Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 16, 1956
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

V. R. BARNHOUSE, Junior, a 1951 graduated of Cainsville, MO high school, has been chosen as one of 13 out of approximately
1,000 seniors at Oklahoma A & M College, Stillwater, OK, who have made outstanding accomplishments or have, through
unselfish work, been of great service to the student body as a whole. A member of the "O" Club and Sigma Nu fraternity,
BARNHOUSE is a son of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. BARNHOUSE of Kellerton, the former of whom is serving his fifth year as
superintendent of the Kellerton schools.

Kenneth CREVELING of Mount Ayr has been appointed D-X agent for Ringgold county by the D-X Sunray Oil Company. Mr.
CREVELING will serve the entire county as a distributor of D-X products.

Lee BAKER, Beaconsfield farmer, will be interviewed Thursday, Feb. 23, at 6:15 a.m. on the "Rural Electric Reporter"
program over Station KMA, 960, Shenandoah. "Young Farmer Employs Electricity" will be the discussion topic during the
interview, which is sponsored by the six rural electric cooperatives of southwestern Iowa. BAKER is a member of the Rideta
Electric, with headquarters at Mount Ayr.

The appointement of Royce DAVIS of Mount Ayr as Iowa Good Roads Association chairman for Ringgold county has been announced.

Carroll MOTSINGER, ASC office manager, said the Ringgold county corn acreage has been cut by nearly 15 percent, which amounts
to a reduction of 8,073 acres. Last year farmers were allotted 55,167 acres while the 1956 total is to be 47,094 acres.

W. C. (Bill) HAROVER, Junior, Mount Ayr druggist, was recently appointed Ringgold county fund-raising chairman for the
American Red Cross. The campaign for funds will start March 1. The county quota is $3,284.

A cooperative dinner was served New Year's Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. MORRIS, Senior, of Redmond, WA on the
occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. MORRIS were united in marriage on January 1, 1896 in Tingley, where
they resided for a number of years on a farm. In 1925 they moved to Wenatchee, WA and later to Methow Valley. For the past
21 years they have made their home in Redmond.

Fans of the Mount Ayr basketball team have a special treat in store for themselves on February 17 when the Centerville
Cadettes, a girls drill team, will perform at the half of the Corydon game. The Centerville Cadettes were organized four
years ago and have grown into a group that performs all over the state. They have marched at Drake, the girls and boys
state basketball tournaments, the Iowa State Fair, Pella's Tulip Festival and at several Iowa State and Iowa University
basketball games. They have also been featured on Don Bell's KRNT-TV program. The group consists of 16 high school girls,
who march, and three drummers. Under the direction of Mrs. Merle HOUSER, the girls have been trained to do precision marching
without a leader or signal, to both drums and recorded music.

February 10, a daughter, Susan Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert GUILLIAMS, Hatfield MO
February 15, a daughter, Janie Fern, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward BROWN, Allendale MO

OBITUARIES in February 16, 1956 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Elmer Francis MOLER Darlene Louise TAYLOR
Van Jones NOYLE Walter B. GATES
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2012

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