Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 16 and 19, 1915
by Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

Ray CATHEY is employed in J. A. McNERNEY'S restuarant.

The work of removing the sidewalk and excavating, preparatory to placing the stairway leading to the basement under the Iowa State Bank
building was started yesterday. The basement will be cleaned and fixed up and will be occupied by HAYES & STRAIGHT, barbers, who are now
located on Depot Street in the John SALTZMAN building. The work is being done by Ollie THOMPSON.

KELLERTON - G. W. MARTZ has purchased the meat market of Charles MOORE and will take possession next week. Beatrice CHRISTY came the
first of the week from Lamoni and is working at the telephone exchange.

Maruice KEATING, who recently wrote the civil service examinations for postal mail clerk, was successful in passing and has been given an
appointment. His run will extend from Keokuk to Red Oak and he will make his headquarters in Keokuk.

LIBERTY - May TRULLINGER closed a successful term of school at Side Hill last Friday. The spring term commenced Monday with Blanche
RICHARDS as teacher.

L. E. COLE and Blanch DOWINE came February 6, from their homes in Lamoni and were married by J. N. LINEBURG, justice of the peace. They
were accompanied by William BECK and Amy DOWNIE, sister of the bride.

Kellerton - Mr and Mrs. Bert CURRY are the proud parents of a little daughter, born to them on February 12.
Redding - Mr. and Mrs. John SHANER are the proud parents of a baby boy, who came to brighten their homes on February 10.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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