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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 15, 1978

Vernoica Ray

The official canvas of votes in the primary election of June 6 was made by the Ringgold county board of supervisors. In the only contested county race, Verd BAILEY edged David LINQUIST for the Republican nomination for county attory, with BAILEY receiving 327 votes and LINDQUIST 322. County treasurer - BOWER (R) 622; County recorder - McCLINTOCK (R) 596, MANDELL (D) 206.

Earl STONE, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim STONE of Diagonal, was killed instantly Saturday on a Ringgold county road when the car he was driving went under a tractor, shearing off the car top. STONE had just completed his sophomore year at Diagonal high school.

It was a year ago June 6 that a late afternoon fire on the east side of the Mount Ayr square gutted two businesses. A year later finds the Lawhead Dental Clinic moving out of temporary quarters at Gerald's Plumbing and Heating into a brand new building with all new equipment. And earlier in April Mitchell Drug began operation in a brand new building north of the square.

Nine Mount Ayr residents are among the cast and production staff of "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum," a musical comedy to be presented by the South Central Iowa Theatre (SCIT). Those participating are: Bill HAROVER as Senex; Mark KNAPP as Pseudolus; Don JACKSON as Lycus; Shirley HICKMAN as Tintinabula; Corrine BAILEY as Gymnasia; Susan GREENE as Philia; Kevin PULLIAM and Dave FALE as Proteans; and Kathleen HAROVER is the musical director.

Two Mount Ayr students were among the 121 seniors awarded their bachelor's degree at spring commencement at Simpson College in Indianola recently. Steven Charles CALHOUN majored in political science and Victoria IRVING majored in social studies.

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012

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