Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 15, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Clifford Johnson, who has served as county agricultural agent for five years, has tendered his resignation. Johnson has accepted the position of county agent of West Pottawattamie county, which duties he will assume about the first of February.

Leslie Dennis has been named assistant janitor of the Mount Ayr school building, to succeed Earnest Richards, who has been appointed janitor of the court house.

B. A. Saltzman has been re-elected a member of the board of directors of the Creston Production Credit association for a term of three years.

John Freeland received notice last week that Freeland's store had been awarded a contract for the sale of dress buttons and slides to the State Board of Social Welfare. The contract provides for the sale for 147,636 buttons and slides, amounting to $2,613.17.

Elected recently as directors of the Rideta Electric Cooperative are C. C. Brimmer, Arthur L. Brown, R. R. Buck, Rudolph Fogle, John Irving, F. L. McCreary, Walter Mickelson, A. G. Moffatt and Fred Strange.

Lawrene Hartman has been elected to fill the vacancy of secretary of the Community club.

Paul Augsburger went Sunday to Burlington, where he has accepted a position in the administration building of the Burlington Ordnance plant, as junior audiotr in the main office. For the last three years, Mr. Augsburger has been employed at the Timby Motor Company.

ELLSTON - Supt. A. R. Fenton came Monday and has charge of the school, taking the place of M. R. Page, who moved to Wesley.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freeland are the parents of a son, Philip Edward, born January 9, in the Iowa Methodist hospital in Des Moines. Weight, seven pounds and 10 ounces. This is the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Freeland.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graham are the parents of a daughter born January 6.
Born, January 13, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brand. Weight, seven and one-half pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Teale of Albia, announce the birth of their daughter, Neva Margaret, on January 6. Weight, seven and one-half pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Lial Saltzman are the parents of a daughter, born January 14. She weighed six pounds and has been named Janetta Ann.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2017
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