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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, December 15, 1954

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Merrill MILLER of Diagonal was recently elected vice-president of the board of directors of the Creston 4-H Spring Market Swine Show. Wilbur FARIS of Mount Ayr also serves on the board of directors.

An open house will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week when the new McCormick Farmall 300 will be on display at the Roe Implement Company in Mount Ayr.

John McFARLAND of this city is one of more than 425 who are guests this week of the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company on an all-expense paid tour which started Monday in Springfield, IL where one of the company's plants is located. The Mount Ayr Implement Company, of which Mr. McFARLAND is a partner of Keith FISHER and Bob FISHER, was one of the winners among Allis-Chalmers agricultural equipment dealers throughout the United States and Canada in the company's factory tour sales contest which was conducted from June 1 to November 12.

Members of the Junior Atoms 4-H club enjoyed an award trip to Kansas City on Friday, Dec. 10, through the courtesy of the Security State Bank of Mount Ayr. The boys earned the trip by maintaining a high standard of 4-H service that ranked their organization as one of the two top boys' 4-H clubs in Ringgold county.

Charles RAUCH of Mount Ayr has been selected as one of the six 4-H members to represent Iowa at te Grain Marketing Program in Chicago Jaunary 12 to 14. All expenses for Charles' trip will be paid by the Chicago Board of Trade. The group will study grain marketing procedures while in Chicago.

Caryl Lee COCHRAN of Mount Ayr was a first place winner in the Creston News-Advertiser's Little People Christmas Coloring Contest, announcement of which was made Wednesday of last week. The seven-year-old daughter of S/Sgt. and Mrs. Elton COCHRAN, Caryl won first place in Group A, participants of which were children fiv, six and seven years of age.

Rex L. JAMISON of Story City, a freshman in the medical school at the State University of Iowa, was named Saturday as winner of a two-year Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University, England. He was one of four students from six midwestern states, chosen by a committe of former Rhodes scholars, headed by Henry SHULL of Sioux City. The son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. JAMISON, Rex, 21 years of age, was born in Des Moines and graduated from the Story City high school. His mother is the former Helen BUCK, daughter of Mrs. J. S. BUCK of this city. He will study physiology at Oxford and plans to return to the States to complete his studies for a medical degree.

Funeral services for Dr. Leigh S. BEAMER, 38, will be held this (Thursday) morning, at 10 a.m. from the Methodist church in Tingley. The body will be taken to Toulon, IL where services will be held Friday. Interment will be at West Jersey, IL. Dr. BEAMER, osteopathic physician in Tingley, died Tuesday evening at 8:40 p.m. at the Greater Community Hospital in Creston from complications which developed after he had contracted mumps. He was a sufferer of diabetes. Dr. BEAMER had been associated with Dr. J. A. McINTOSH in practice at Tingley since 1940.


  • December 10, a son, Steven Francis, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald VORHIES, Shannon City
  • December 10, a son, Ronald Max, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross COMBS, Denver MO
  • December 11, a son, David Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton HENDERSON, Mount Ayr

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
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