Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 15, 1940
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Pauline RUSH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. RUSH, of Corydon, and Chester ANDERSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl ANDERSON, of Corydon, were united in marriage
August 12, by the Rev. T. S. RHOADES. They were attended by Arlene RUSH, twin sister of the bride, and Wayne PHILLIP. The young couple will be at home in
Corydon, where Mr. ANDERSON, a former resident of the Mount Ayr vicinity, has been operator of an oil station for the past year.

Dean STUCK, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo STUCK, won the three dollar cash prize in the motor scooter contest sponsored by 24 Mount Ayr merchants for the week
ending August 10. Other weekly prize winners have been Ronald JOHNSTON for the first week and Norman THOMPSON for the next three successive weeks.

P. J. McGRATH received Thursday his certificate of reappointment as postmaster at Mount Ayr dating from June 17, 1940, for an indeterminate period under
civil service as provided as law.

Louise JEANES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. JEANES, of Lotts Creek township, and Alva JONES, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew JONES, of Grant township, were
united in marriage by the Rev. T. S. RHOADES on August 7. Attendants of the couple were Darlene SCHAEFER and Eldon RICKER. They will make their home
on a farm in Grant township.

Marietta EDWARDS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. EDWARDS, of Tingley township, received a bachelor of science degree in education at the Drake University
summer commencement exercises held August 9. Miss EDWARDS won honors for high school schlarship in the College of Education and was elected to Kappa
Delta Phi, national honorary sorority in education, and Delta Sigma Epsilon, national professional education sorority.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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