Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 14, 1957
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

E. Orr ALLEN of Kellerton was selected by lot last Wednesday to serve as treasurer of the new Grand Valley Community school district. In the only contest of
the special election held October 31 in the district. Mr. ALLEN and Harold ACKERLY of Grand River each received 141 votes for the office, necessitating the
determination of the winner by lot.

The state champion Dowling high cagers will open the 1957-58 Raiders basketball season on the Mount Ayr floor Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, with a preliminary
contest between the wo schools scheduled for 6:30 p.m. The Raiders, minus two of their 1957-58 starters, Dan CUNNING and Chuck BRABY, will have Ray SICKELS,
Theron JOHNSON, Bill PRITCHARD, Dick STUCK, Roger BELL, Leland RAUCH, Ronnie DEFENBAUGH, Eddie BROWN and Jerold DRAKE to select a starting five for their
opener against Dowling. The Raiders will be short on height this season but can make up for this by their shooting ability and speed.

The third annual God's Portion Sale, sponsored by the Methodist men of the local Methodist church, netted approximately $1,300, according to Barton TURNER,
general chairman of the event.

Friends of Barbara WITTMAN, who last year was a freshman in the Mount Ayr high school and a winner in the home declamatory contest, will be interested to
learn that she will appear as a member of the cast of a Thanksgiving play to be presented by the sophomores of the Carlisle, PA high school where she is
a student. Barbara is a granddaughter of Senator and Mrs. X. T. PRENTIS of this city.

Len R. BEATH, assistant Ringgold county extension director, was named county Red Cross fund-raising chairman at a meeting held last Wednesday night at the
courthouse in Mount Ayr. Mrs. Willie CORLL was appointed chairman of the blood bank program.

A daughter, Debra Ann, born Nov. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ACKLEY, Kellerton.
A son, David Lynn, born Nov. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. William Leroy RISSLER, Mount Ayr.
A son, Harlan Wayne, born Nov. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mark DAVIDSON, Blockton.
A son, John Scott, born Nov. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill RUSK, Mount Ayr.

OBITUARY in this week's issue or the Mount Ayr Record-News:
Virginia NEWTON ROBINSON (Mrs. C. H.)
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

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