Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 14, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Re-elected as members of the Ringgold County Board of Education fo three year terms are C.C. Lawhead, C.D. Johnston and Mrs. Edith Farmer. H.P. Lesan was elected to fill the vacancy caused when Cloyd Drake moved from Liberty township to Mount Ayr.

Cheschamay is the Indian name chosen for the third group of Mount Ayr Camp Fire girls by Carol Lou Layton and Dorothy Dailey.

Clyde McDowell has accepted a position at Wichita, KS where he will operate a caterpillar on road work.

TINGLEY - Dorthea Templeton has been hired as teacher of the fifth and sixth grades at Shannon City.

STUDENT AYR - Catherine Bevington, Annabelle Taylor, Wayne Gardner and Junior Jeter have been selected by the faculty as the representative seniors of the class of 1942. They were selected on the basis of scholarship achievements, extra-curricular activities and general contribution to the school.

Davie Dean Russell became the bride of Delbert Sevier in a wedding performed May 10, at Maryville, MO. The Rev. Hackerman, pastor of the Methodist church in Maryville, performed the single-ring ceremony. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walters. Mrs. Sevier is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Russell, of Julesburg, CO, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seiver.

Crystal Jones, daughter of C.A. Jones of Grand River, became the bride of Aubrey Kirpatrick, of Mount Ayr, in a double-ring ceremony performed May 4, by the Rev. A.C. Stark, pastor of the Methodist Church of Shannon City, and a former pastor at Wishard Chapel. The couple will be at home with his mother.

JEFFERSON - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Akers are the parents of a son, Richard Franklin, born May 10. Weight, seven pounds.
Born, May 7, in the University hospitals in Iowa City, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pottorff. Weight, five and one-half pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Miller are the parents of a daughter, Meredith Ann, born May 7. Weight, seven and one-fourth pounds.
Born, May 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Corll, a daughter, Mary Ellen. Weight, seven pounds.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2017
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