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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, March 14, 1963

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

The first new 4-H uniforms appeared Thursday at the Mount Ayr Community high school during National 4-H Club Week.

The 1963 officers of 260 Central Iowa Blue Lodges will be honored by Des Moines Consistory A. A. S.R., March 16, in the Scottish Rite Temple in Des Moines. Officers of Faith Lodge No. 179, A. F. & A M., who will attend the meeting to which all Master Masons are invited, are Dick BOLTON, worshipful master; Laurance BISHOP, junior warden; J. M. ANDERSON, treasurer; Eldon MAIN, secretary, and Jack ELLIOTT, senior deacon. Several other members of the lodge also plan to attend.

During the 25-year history of the Mount Ayr chapter of Future Farmers of America, 48 members have earned the Iowa Farmer degree. Twenty-eight are farming in this area, three are veterinarians, three are with the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture, four are in a college of agriculture, three are teaching agriculture and science, two are truckers, two are engineers, one is an evangelist, one is selling insurance and one is a clerk. Six have also earned the organization's highest honor, the American Farmer Degree. Of the 48 members, 25 were present for the 25th anniversary banquet on February 22.

Those present at the banquet were Marvin TRIGGS, Howard MARTIN, Loren CAMPBELL, Billie WIMER, Phillip FOLTZ, Dr. Ronald LYNCH, Roy RINEHART, Ryland GARNER, Robert McCREARY, Marvin LANE, Wayne FOLTZ, Sam SICKELS, Leland SICKELS, Loren ELLIOTT, Dale BICKEL, Richard WEEHLER, Wayne WALTERS, Melvin GRAY, Dr. Gene ZINN, Ivan DOLECHECK, Ivan DENNIS, Larry KIMBALL, Richard WILSON, Leland RAUCH and Gary CAMPBELL.

Ten members of the Mount Ayr chapter of Future Farmers of America were awarded three gold and two silver ratings in district F.F.A. contests held Saturday in Ankeny. Gold ratings were received by David BARKER in the public speaking division and Craig ELLIOTT in freshman creed speaking, both of whom will advance to state competition, and by the parliamentary procedure team, composed of Phillip DRAKE, Larry SWANK, Dan SICKELS, Craig RIGGS and Jack GROSS. The chapter program team, composed of Dan BARKER and David UMBARGER, speakers, and Larry WEAVER, project operator, and the chapter treasurer's book, kept by Ronnie WOOD, were awarded silver ratings.

The Charles PATRICK 60-acre farm in Riley township was sold yesterday at public auction to LeRoy BROWN for $116.00 per acre. The farm adjoins land owned by Mr. BROWN. The sale was conducted by Genevieve BRAMMER, guardian; Emmet R. WARIN, attorney and Dennis OWENS, auctioneer.


  • March 11, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen SCOTT, Mount Ayr
  • March 10, a son to Mr. and Larry Paul DYE, Saint Joseph MO

    OBITUARIES in March 14, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    Lawrence COMBS   Cole Arthur MURRIN   George W. ROGERS

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2013

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