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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, March 13, 2003

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

For the third year in a row, the Mount Ayr Community high school team has won the Pride of Iowa academic day competition. A team of 16 Mount Ayr Community students represented the school at the competition held at East Union Community high school Thursday and brought home first place again. Members of the academic team included Jeff BURGHER, Brian ENGLAND, Lydia RICHARDS, Morgan RUMPLE, Brad WILSON, David CAMPBELL, Luke LARSEN, Kylee MINNICK, Jason WILKEY, Adam TRIGGS, Jacque BAKER, Allison SNOOK, Crystal STERLING, Alycia CLYMER, Brett ENGLAND and Lyndon HAWKINS.

It's on to the state jazz championships again for the Mount Ayr Community high school jazz band after competition over the weekend. The Raider jazz band made along day of it Saturday, competing in two different jazz festivals and bringing home first place from each -- a banner weekend for the group.

Also qualifying for the jazz championships in a wild card spot was the Lamoni Community high school jazz band, directed by Aaron COMER, a Mount Ayr Community high school graduate. COMER'S band will be competing in the Class 1A division.

Spring play at Mount Ayr Community high school Friday and Saturday night will be "Who Shot Elvis?," a comedy directed by Shaun KNIEP.

Eian SCHNOOR, son of Eric SCHNOOR of Jacksonville, FL, is attending his senior year of high school at Mandrin school. He placed second in the Florida state wrestling tournament, 140-pound class. SCHNOOR is the grandson of Roger and Jane SCHNOOR of Mount Ayr.

When the girls state basketball tournament finals are held in Des Moines Saturday night, two Mount Ayr Community drill team members will be preforming with the all-Iowa honor drill team. Chosen to participate with the group are MAC drill team members Rachel SOBOTKA and Katie WEDDLE.

A Mount Ayr Community elementary school student placed first in the Iowa Girls State Wrestlingtournament held in Gilbert Sunday, March 2. Chelsey HOSFIELD, a sixth grader, took first place in the division consisting of sixth, seventh and eighth grade girls. HOSFIELD is the daughter of Randy and Stephanie HOSFIELD of Diagonal.


  • March 01, a son to Kevin and Sharyn WHITTINGTON

    OBITUARIES in March 13, 2003 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    Charles Wesley BASTOW    Charles William FOSTER
    Rita Bernice HART MYERS    Johnny SMITH

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2013

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
    Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.


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