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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, March 13, 1958

by Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Ringgold County Farm Bureau members will have a first-person report on the status of farm legislation within the next few days when John BOYD of Tingley returns after three days in Washington, D.C. Mr. BOYD was one of 113 Iowa farmers who left the state March 9. Their Washington visit is part of an annual Farm Bureau legislature-and-eductional project.

Announcement of the election of M. H. OBERMEIER, superintendent of the Tingley schools, to the southwest district membership on the respresentative council of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union was made Saturday by that organization.

Perry E. WESNER of Dahlgren, VA, and a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Ed CAMPBELL of this city, has retired after thirty years of service with the government as general naval supply assistant. A native of Missouri, Mr. WESNER is married to the former Grace Marie CAMPBELL and they have one daughter who is married and resides in California.

Benton won the junior high basketball tournament which was played March 3 and 5 in Ellston by virture of wins over Kellerton, Mount Ayr and Diagonal.

The Tingley residence property of the late Arthur J. NAIRN was sold Friday at public auction to Max and Thelma WEBB of Mount Ayr for $1,725. The sale was conducted by Wilford M. NAIRN, administrator; Grant L. HAYES, attorny; and, Dennis OWENS, auctioneer.

Victor ELLISON of Mount yr showed the grand champion market pig at the fifth annual Creston 4-H Spring Market Show held Saturday in Creston. ELLISON'S heavyweight entry was chosen champion over the lightweight entry by Lyle FARIS of Mount Ayr, which was awarded the reserve champion.

One of Mount Ayr's big basketball games was played in the Creston district meet. Creston folks observing that game expressed nothing short of amazement at the way the Mount Ayr community rallied behind their team. "The whole side of the Creston gym just came alive when Mount Ayr folks went into action. A marvelous display of home-town support for the team, and it was evident from the skill with which they participated this was no fair-weather-support. They'd been doing it all season." -- EJ Van Nostrand, editor of the Creston News Advertiser.

Birth reported at Ringgold County Hospital this week:

  • A son, Patrick Edwin, born March 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale BROWN, Ellston.
  • A daughter, Peggy Sue, born March 10, to Mr. and Mrs.Wayne REYNOLDS, Kellerton.
  • A son, Jack Douglas, born March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. COMER, Maloy.

    Obituary in this issue:


    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015


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