Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 13, 1961
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Mrs. Olive WILLIAMS assumed her duties Monday as clerk in the office of county auditor Albert DRAKE. Mrs. WILLIAMS
fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of Sue Anne TAFF, who will leave soon for California. Miss TAFF has been an
employee of the office since September of 1957.

Wm. HAROVER, local pharmacist, has been elected to the board of directors of Ringgold Mutual Insurance Association, to
fill a vacancy. He is the first businessman to serve as a member of the board in more than 30 years, according to Carl F.
PETERSEN, secretary. Officers of the association are B. A. SALTZMAN, president, and Leo D. GIBSON of Kellerton,
vice president. Other members of the board of directors are Ralph GRAHAM and Lawrence ZARUBA of Diagonal; Rowe T.
DENNEY of Redding; Harry TRIMBLE of Kellerton; Paul GRIFFITH of Lamoni,and Noel BOLES of Grand River.

Former residents of Ringgold county were among the 104 survivors of the United Air Lines DC-8 jet crash which took the
lives of 17 persons Tuesday when the brakes locked while landing at Denver, CO. They are Mr. and Mrs. William Keith GAMBLE
and their children, Timothy, 15, Thomas, 13 and Kathleen, four of Shenandoah and Howard D. POLLARD and daughter Deanna of
Merced, CA. Mrs. GAMBLE, 41, the former Virginia LIGGETT, formerly of Mount Ayr, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry
LIGGETT of Lodi, WI, entered a hospital with a leg injury. Mr. POLLARD and daughter were en route to Merced after having
been called here by the death of their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Kizzie POLLARD of Kellerton. Mr. POLLARD suffered
shock and Deanna suffered from inhalation of smoke.

Mount Ayr Chapter No. 356, Order of the Eastern Star is sponsoring the institution of an Assembly of the Order of Rainbow
for girls on Monday, July 17.

Nick DUROS, owner and operator of the West End Market, is rendering a service that is usually provided by the entire
community. His service includes a shelter house, 16 feet by 32 feet, and four picnic tables for the convenience and
benefit of tourists on Highways 2 and 169. Mr. DUROS said the service is being well received and that to date tourists
from 18 states have enjoyed the facilities offered.

Anna WORTHINGTON, formerly of Mount Ayr, has been named to succeed Mrs. Ross CRAFT, who has resigned as Farm Bureau office
assistant, effective as of August 1.

Franklin MAIN of Lamoni announced his candidacy for the Democrat nomination for state senator from the fifth district,
comprised of Decatur, Ringgold and Union counties. Mr. MAIN seeks the office made vacant by the resignation of X. T.
PRENTIS to accept the appointment by Governor ERBE to membership on the Iowa State Tax Commission. He was born and
reared in Ringgold county and graduated from the Mount Ayr high school in 1934. Mr. MAIN, who is married and the father
of two children, owns and operates a 240-acre farm near Lamoni.

July 06, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James MONDAY, Maloy
July 08, a son to Mr. and Mrs. John SHIELDS, Benton
July 11, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jim GRAY, Maloy
July 12, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MEEK, Blockton

OBITUARIES in July 13, 1961 Mount Ayr Record-News:
George William BROWN Roy Emerson STRODE
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2011

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Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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