Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 13 & 16, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

William TIMBY recently began work in the Mount Ayr Bank, by which institution he will be employed when the change in management is made about the first of
the month. Mr. TIMBY will be one of the directors of the new bank and C. G. ALLYN, who has worked in the bank for several years, will be cashier.

Lyle SPENCER came from his home near Redding yesterday afternoon to get his copy of the 1915 Ayrian. He made the trip in his Ford car and also
visited with friends while in the city.

J. M. PEASLEY, of Ridgeway, MO., has accepted a position in the William DOWLING blacksmith and wagon shop on Depot Street. Charles WALTER, who has been
employed there for some time, will be retained and three fires will be kept.

Nerva ELKINS and Lena and Lora FRY left last of the week for San Francisco, CA., to attend the great world's fair and visit other points of interest. During
the absence of Miss ELKINS, Leona CANNEY, of Osceola, a former operator in the Mount Ayr telephone office, is helping at the board.

Glen SHAFER, who for the past few months has been employed in this city by E. W. BROOKS, manufacturer of BROOKS' handmade cigars, left the first of the week
for Dayton, where he will start a cigar factory for himself.

The Mount Ayr Lumber Compnay is manufacturing cement blocks this week. M. W. SNETHEN and Thomas GARTIN are doing this work and they can manufacture on an
average of 200 blocks per day. The "factory" is on the lot on the south side of the square and is located under a roof which was erected last spring.

The first sign that attracts the attention of the "stranger at our gates" is the work "Mount Ayr" embedded on the bank on the north side of the park
south of the depot. Large and healthy young trees were recently set out in the east end of the park and the ladies of the Village Improvement Society
spent several afternoons in the spring setting out flowers. The ladies have engaged O. O. HARROLD to keep the park lawn mowed. The seat under the one large
tree is occupied many hours each week, especially on Sunday and in the evenings by persons waiting for the evening train.

DIAGONAL - A. L. WILEY was a busy man July 5 during the celebration at Mount Ayr. He took eight automobile loads to the celebration during the morning
and returned them in the evening.

KELLERTON - WEARS and LESAN have purchased the produce business from CHILDERS Brothers and have moved it to their produce house on the west side. J. A.
WOOLLUMS, who has had his real estate office at the Kellerton State Bank, has moved it to a room in the I.O.O.F. building, formerly occupied by Dr. J. B. OWEN.

MALOY - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John HIGGINS, a girl, July 3.
DIAGONAL - Mr. and Mrs. Walter DRISCOLL are the proud parents of a baby girl, born July 3.
NORTH RICE - The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. John COOPER on July 4 and left them a bright little Miss.
NORTH RICE - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen MOORE, of Washington townhip, one day last week, a baby boy.
LIBERTY - Born, Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. Harmon HOLLEN, a six-pound daughter.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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