Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 13, 1983
by Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Dean JACKSON of Kellerton was reelected as chairman of the Ringgold County Hospital board of directors at a meeting held Monday evening, Jan. 10, in the
hospital conference room. Other 1983 officers elected include Harold COOPER of Ellston, vice chairman, and Paul SMITH of Blockton, secretary-treasurer.

Officers for 1983 were elected at the regular meeting of the Ringgold County Resource Conservation and Development Steering Committee, January 2, at the
Soil Conservation Service Office in Mount Ayr. Elected chairman for the coming year is Gene GUNSOLLEY of Diagonal. Rick HAWKINS of Mount Ayr was elected
vice chairman and Don KINNE, Tingley, as secretary-treasurer and alternate executive board member. Jim JONES of Mount Ayr was named the county's executive
board member. Wilbur LANDPHAIR of Mount Ayr will serve as alternate for plan and review committee. Other members of the steering committee are Duane GLICK
and Roger SCHNOOR, both of Mount Ayr.

First baby of 1983 at Ringgold County Hospital in Mount Ayr was born Thursday, Jan. 6, at 11:51 a.m. to Marion and Kathy CLAISER of Afton. Jenny Lee,
who weighed in at six pounds, 15 ounces and was 18 inches long, was delivered by Dr. Duane MITCHELL.

Three U.S. Army helicopters flew around Mount Ayr and landed at the Mount Ayr airport Sunday afternoon. The helicopters drew a lot of attention from folks
who went outdoors to look at them or went to the airport to get a closer look.

Rhonda BAKER, daughter of Elmer and Mary Jo BAKER of rural Mount Ayr, has been selected a member of the drill team at Morningside College in Sioux City.

A Mount Ayr student at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Mo., is one of 58 education majors who will be student teaching during the first
eight weeks of the spring semester. Lucy MAUDLIN of Mount Ayr will be student teaching elementary education and junior high English in the Mount Ayr Community
school district during her eight weeks.

A challenge from Voluneer Lyndon RICHARDS to donate $1 for each person attending meals at the Tingley meal site December 14 drew one of the largest
attendances ever when 110 people came out. RICHARDS presented a check of $110 to site manager Nancy JARRED as a special memorial for his mother, Lena
RICHARDS, one of the site's earliest participants.

Obituaries in this issue:
John Edward HALL |
Forrest Omer RUSK |
Beatrice Myrle EVERHART BROWN |
Ronny Wayne GARNER | |
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

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