Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 13, 1984
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

If the dream of a group of area residents is fulfulled, Mount Ayr will be the site of a group home for mentally
retarded and physically handicapped adults in the next year or two. That was the result of a public meeting held with
the Ringgold county board of supervisors Thursday, Dec. 6, that drew more than 30 people to the Ringgold county
courthouse. A committee headed by Regina LYNCH, Clifford FORCE and Vergene HOPKEY was set up as a result of the
meeting to investigate the possibility of building a group home here.

A Ronald McDonald figure and "Fry Guys" figures that move by a compressed air system while a tape recording gives the
character voices and music is a new item being offered to McDonald restaurants by Miracle Recreation through its Mount
Ayr plant. The animated Ronald McDonald is another of the items Miracle Recreation will handle along with the recreational
equipment it sell to the restaurant owners.

Dr. Nyanan PHATAK began her general practice of medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology at the Mount Ayr Medical
Clinic in Grant City November 1 as she joined in the practice of Dr. Duane E. MITCHELL.

Merritt TRIGGS of Mount Ayr was unanimously re-elected to the Iowa State Fair Board of Directors during the state
agricultural meeting held recently in Des Moines. He was also elected to his second term as board president. TRIGGS, a
purebred swine producer, has served as secetary/manager of the Ringgold County Fair for over 20 years. He joined
the fair board in 1975 as representative of the Fifth Congressional District.

Two women from Ringgold County have taken positions as postmasters. Glenda JOBE has been named to that position in
Tingley, and Nancy "Nan" DERSCHEID, at Ellston.

When Florence HANNON observed her 92nd birthday anniversary December 20, she will be remembering the wonderful
association she has had with many Mount Ayr families as their babysitter. "I've probably taken care of most of the
children in town," she commented as she visited last week in the home she shares with her daughter, Betty MONAGHAN, at
101 North West Street. When her husband, Mike, died in 1956, she began offering her services as a baby sitter - for 35-cents
an hour.

"Variety" is the new business now open in Mount Ayr from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays-Saturdays, by John OSBORN of Tingley.
It has been established in the building on the north side of the square formerly occupied by Irving Clothing Store. When
it opened last Saturday, the store housed new and used clothing. The plan is to eventually include a "little bit of
everything," according to OSBORN.

Dec. 8, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Fred WILSON of Lenox

OBITUARIES in December 13, 1984 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Howard Earl NICKLES
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010

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