Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 13, 1964
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

Doris ANGUS, of Mount Ayr, and Dan SICKELS, of Kellerton, co-chariman of the March of Dimes teen-age volunteers in Ringgold
County, atended the first Iowa TAP (Teen-Age Program) state meeting and workshop August 8 in Des Moines.

In the junior division of the livestock show of the Ringgold County Fair, the grand champion baby beef, an Angus, was
shown by David LYNCH of Maloy, and the reserved grand champion, also an Angus, was shown by Marvin PERKINS, Jr. of
Lamoni. Gene LESAN, of Benton, had the grand champion market lamb, a Hampshire-Suffolk cross which weighed 110 pounds,
in the sheep division,and Craig ELLIOTT, also of Benton, showed the reserve chamion. David UMBARGER exhibited the
top Suffolk ewe lamb, which Craig's entries were juged and [had] the champion Hampshire ewe lamb and ram. During the
4-H livestock sale held Saturday morning at the Mount Ayr Sale Barn, the reserve grand champion Angus steer, owned
by Marvin PERKINS, Jr., sold for $25.75 per cwt.; the champion Hereford of Judy BRAMMER brought $26; and the reserve
Hereford shown by Cecil DOLECHECK solf for $24.75.

Ringgold County residents 18 years of age and over, will have the opportunity to take part in a community wide
chest X-ray prgram, sponsored by the Ringgold County Tuberculosis and Health Association, Mrs. Bill PRITCHARD,
president of the association, announced.

Two hundred and forty persons, who were en route by bus to their homes in Idaho and California after attending
the World's Fair, were served noon meals Thursday at the Shamrock Cafe in east Mount Ayr.

The swimming pool in Judge Lewis Park is in its second year and under the capable management of Doyle THOMAS.
The average daily attendance has been 350, with 660 being the largest single day. A total of 600 children and
130 adults took swimming lessons this summer. Last week, 20 youths received life-saving instruction from 8 a.m. until noon,
for six days. Certificates will be awarded tothose who pass the examination.

a son to Mr. and Mrs. Royce Alvin DREDGE
a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee SICKELS
a son to Mr. and Mrs. Omer Everett RANDLE
a son to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. SMYSER
a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Lee CARSON
a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle William SWANK

OBITUARIES in August 13, 1964 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Mary Olive SCHOOLEY |
Cecil John BUSBY |
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2014

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