Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 12, 1987
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

The Rev. Jesse JACKSON, a potential presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket, will visit Mount Ayr Community high
school Thursday, March 19, it was announced this week.

The commons area at Mount AyrCommunity high school was a sea of blue Future Farmer of America jackets Friday afternoon
as the district contest convention was held at the high school here. More than 360 students from 37 different high
schools attended the session here.
Four MAC chapter entries qualified for state competition and one entry from
the Grand Valley FFA chapter will go on to state competition from the district meeting.

A 20 year-old Creston man was back in custody Tuesday morning following almost a day of freedom after he walked way
from the Ringgold county courthouse before he was to appear in district court Monday. Richard Gene DRAPER, 20, of Creston
was scheduled to appear on a hearing of his revocation of probation in Mount Ayr Monday afternoon when he escaped from
custody. He was arrested again about 10 a.m. Tuesday morning when he was found north of Diagonal, two miles north of the
Union-Ringgold county line on County Road P27. He had been walking along the road and was given a ride by an elderly
motorist from Missouri before being taken back into custody.

Vivian and Herb JACKSON of Kellerton have gone back to school at Southwestern Community College in Creston and, according
to college officials, have displayed a positive attitude and enthusiasm that have set an example for other "older"
students to follow. The couple have been very successful in their first semester in business courses at the college.

Mount Ayr Community high school students have been named to the All-Iowa Honor Drill Team, which will perform Friday,
March 13, during the girls state basketball tournament in Des Moines. Jamie JONES and Melanie MURPHY have received the
all-state honor and will join 98 girls from 49 high schools across the state in the performance. JONES and MURPHY
are members of the Mount Ayr Community high school drill team, sponsored by Marian ENGLAND.

The Pebbles, a team from
Mount Ayr, won the title in the South Central Iowa Bowling Proprietors Handicap Bowling Tournament held at Lucky Lanes
in Mount Ayr February 28 and March 1-2. There were 32 teams participating; 13 were from Mount Ayr. Members of the
winning team were Ron SICKELS, Iris BOESE, Helen HUNT, Rose BOLINGER and Mary Jane GARRETT.

March 08, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Brian DAVENPORT, Clearfield
March 09, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Greg DRAKE, Mount Ayr
March 10, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jim HYMBAUGH, Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in Thursday, March 12, 1987 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Mildred Elizabeth SPENCER INGRAM
Garwilda Babe (Honey) RUSCO SCHUSTER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2012

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