Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 12, 1959
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Top rating were won by six of the 11 contestants, who represented the Mount Ayr Community high school in the district
speech contest held Saturday in Atlantic. The honors were received by five speakers, one of whom rated I in each of
two events. Qualified to enter the state sppech finals at Storm Lake in the first week of April are Ruth Anne PLACE
in oratorical declamation; Carolyn DRAKE and Steve DRAKE in humourous declamation; Jerold DRAKE in extemporaneous speaking
and Thomas MOSIER in extemporaneous speaking and original oratory. The student speakers were accompanied to Atlantic
by Lee H. CAMPBELL, instructor.

J. W. YOUNG, manager of Rideta Electric Cooperative, Inc., died suddenly Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. after suffering a
heart attack in his home in Mount Ayr. He was 64 years old. Mr. YOUNG had been in the Ringgold County Hospital for
several weeks after suffering a heart attack on December 11.

Kenneth G. WILSON was elected president of the Mount Ayr Golf and Country Club at a meeting of that organization
held recently, to succeed W. B. CUSHING. Other officers are Raymond BARKER, vice president and Royce DAVIS, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Elmo ROE was elected president of the women's division of the organization.

Two Ringgold county 4-H members, Dan CARR and Victor ELLISON, took all the major honors in the Creston spring Market Swine Show
held Tuesday. Dan CARR had the grand champion individual market pig of the show. His top pig was a 225-pound Hampshire. Judge
Tom WICKERSHAM called it the best champion in the six years of the Creston 4-H show. Victor ELLISON had the champion market
litter. Dan is the son of Mr.and Mrs. Maurice CARR of Maloy and Victor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart ELLISON of Mount

Charles H. BORRUSCH, a Tingley farmer, is representing the Ringgold County Farm Bureau on a visit to the nation's capital (sic).

Kenneth CREVELING was elected commander of Mount Ayr Post No. 8881, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at a meeting held March 2.
He succeeds Burl REYNOLDS. Calvin ADAMS was re-elected vice commander. Roy CLARK was named junior vice commander to
succeed CREVELING and Robert SCHAFER was elected quarter-master to succeed John FAUST.

Gordon WHITE of Creston assumed his duties of the Hy-Vee Food Store in Mount Ayr on Monday of last week. Prior to coming
to Mount Ayr, Mr. WHITE was employed as second butcher for the Safeway food store in Creston. As soon as living quarters
are available, Mr. WHITE will bring his wife and four-year-old daughter to Mount Ayr to reside.

March 03, a daughter, Beth Ann, to Rev. and Mrs. Vernon NORRIS, Kellerton
March 05, a son, Eldon Eugene, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McALEXANDER, Beaconsfield
March 09, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Horta ROACH, Grant City MO

OBITUARIES in March 12, 1959 Mount Ayr Record-News:
John Algie LINK
Wilbur C. KOBBE
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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