Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 12, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

E. O. Allen, of Kellerton, carries his pennies in a bucket; he brought 10,200 of the coppers to the Security State bank and exchanged them for United States defense bonds. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have been saving pennies for about 12 years.

F. J. Daughton and George Irving were elected directors for three-year terms and Hugh A. Foster was re-elected treasurer for a two-year term of the Independent School District of Mount Ayr at the annual election. A total of 196 votes was cast.

Mike and Brady [Floyd I.] Beaman will hold a closing out sale of their $8,000 stock of men's clothing and furnishings, in order that a settlement of business interests can be made before Mike leaves for military service. Brady will continue with the cleaning business [Mount Ayr Cleaners] in the same location.

Mary Louise Hogue began work Wednesday as assistant clerk for the Selective Service board. She was formerly employed as a secretary at the REA before the office was closed the first of March.

CLEARFIELD - Mrs. Gladys Levi will be our telephone operator for another year, with Mrs. Mary Beatty as her assistant.

TINGLEY - The Girl Scouts Bluebird Troop has elected the following officers: President, Joyce Overholtzer; vice-president, Mardell Been; and, secretary-treasurer, Dorothy Zarr.

BENTON - Born, March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. George Haley, an eight-pound son.
WISHARD CHAPEL - Mr. and Mrs. Jay Liles are the proud parents of a son, Ronald Jay, born March 5, in the Greater Community hospital in Creston.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2017
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