Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 12, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Barbara HORNE was elected worthy matron and Richard PRENTIS was re-elected worthy patron of Mount Ayr Chapter No. 356,
Order of the Eastern Star, during a regular chapter meeting held Monday night of last week. They will assume their duties
on January 1, 1964. Also elected to offices are Florence LAWHEAD, associate matron; Marjorie PRENTIS, conductress; and
Edna BURGHER, associate conductress. Officers re-elected are Charles W. LAWHEAD, associate patron; Marie McGILVREY, secretary;
and Cleota LEPLY, treasurer.

Joe McNEILL, football coach of the Mount Ayr Community high school, who recently was named by the Des Moines Register,
will be honored at "Prep Coach of the Year Night," scheduled for Monday, Dec. 23, in the local school gymnasium. A large
gold football, Mr. McNEILL'S award, will be presented by Brad Wilson, sports editor of the Des Moines Register.

One woman suffered injuries and three men escaped injury Sunday morning in a three-car accident, which happened
during a snowstorm on an icy graveled road in Lotts Creek township. Cars, driven by Cleo HACKER, who was traveling
south, and Omar HOLTZMAN, who was en route north, sideswiped and the HACKER car went into a small ditch on the west
side of the road. Riding with Mr. HACKER was his wife, who suffered facial cuts. As the HACKERS were intering the HOLTZMAN
car to be brought to Mount Ayr, it was struck head-on-by a car driven by Seth CAMPBELL, which came over the hill from
the north.

The Mount Ayr Bowling Team has a commanding lead in the Southwest Iowa Traveling Bowling League. On Sunday it won five
of six games from the Lenox team bowled on Lucky Lanes to make its season record 22 wins and eight losses.

A visit to the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. on November 24 and a view of the casket in which the body of
President John F. Kennedy lay in state, was the memorable experience of Carol LUCKINBILL, formerly of Mount Ayr, and
daughter of Arthur Luckinbills of Redding.

December 04, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Billie B. STRINGHAM, Mount Ayr
December 05, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. HUTCHINSON, Mount Ayr
December 05, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Loren Ivan SOBOTKA, Diagonal
December 09, a daughter to Rev. and Richard HOHL of Kellerton
December 10, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James DiRISIO, Benton

OBITUARIES in December 12, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2013

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