Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 11, 1987
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

From the dream of a Ringgold County Group Home in the minds of many in the county two years ago, there is now some
reality as walls for the new home for handicapped adults went up this week. White Construction Co. of Maysville, MO
has the contract on the building, which will provide a supervised living environment for eight adults on the site just
north of Judge Lewis Park. The building will be ready for occupancy this fall. Over $18,000 in local funds were raised
for the project and together with a Community Development Block Grant and financing through Farmers Home Administration,
the project will soon be in operation.

A long time in the planning and in preparation, the Maloy Centennial celebration is getting ready to unfold this weekend,
Saturday and Sunday, June 13-14.

Cleone OVERHOLTZER JOHNSON of Tingley retires this year after 29 years as an elementary teacheror teacher's aide. Since
January of 1966, when Cleone returned to the work force, she has been a teacher's aide in the Mount Ayr Community

Three 50-year members of the Rebekah Lodge in Mount Ayr were present to be honored by the Lodge at a diner meeting at
the Shamrock Cafe Monday. The members, all past Noble Grands of the Lodge, were Ada ROGERS, Lorene COMBS and Velma

Joel FENTON, a senior at Urbandale high school, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed FENTON and grandson of Mrs. Velda FENTON
of Osceola and Mrs. Bonnie POWERS of Kellerton, has been awarded a four-year National Merit Scholarship. Joel will
be enrolled this fall at Wartburg College where he will major in pre-med.

Rumors that the Mount Ayr Products division of Auto Assemblies is about to close were squelched this week by Terry
BARNES, group manager for the plants in Mount Ayr and Lamoni. BARNES said that it is the company's present intent to
continue the operation of all the five manufacturing facilities in Iowa and to do so as long as business will support
the move.

John HANSON of Stanton, NE, son of Marlee EGLY of Mount Ayr, ended his sophomore wrestling season with a 33 win, four
loss record recently. He was a district and conference champ and was rated fifth in the state and first in the northeast

OBITUARIES in June 11, 1987 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Ernest Belema BAKER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2012

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Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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