Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 11, 1940
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

The force of assistants to County Engineer T. E. MARTIN has been reduced from seven to four men by the board of
supervisors. Those whose services were retained are Clair DAVIS, Walter STUCK, Herbert Summers and Leland Jackson.

Lola W. VANDERFLUGHT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John VANDERFLUGHT, of Lotts Creek township, and Francis Eugene CALDWELL,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy CALDWELL, of Mount Ayr, were united in marriage Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. S. RHOADES, Mr. RHOADES officiating. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Glen HUTCHINSON, brother-in-law and sister of the
bride. They will make their home in Mount Ayr, where Mr. CALDWELL is employed at the Johnston Auto Supply.

During December, 2,685 pounds of graham flour, 1,260 pounds of oatmeal, 8,325 pounds of apples and 644 pounds of
raisins were distributed to relief families in Ringgold county by Commodity Clerk T. W. Gerguson, who was assisted by

TINGLEY -- Phyllis WILLIAMS, of Mount Ayr, English and commercial instructor in the Tingley schools, has
resigned and expects to quit teaching at the close of the first semester. At a meeting of the school board, Mrs. J. B.
WORLEY, wife of the band and music instructor, was hired in her place. ~ ~ ~ ~Sunday school
officers elected last Sunday at the Methodist Church are George KESTER, superintendent; Mrs. Eva BOSWORTH, junior
superientendant; Donald SCOTT, secretary; Paul KIRBY, assistant secretary; Monafay HANSON, pianist; Marjorie HILLEBRAN,
assistant superintendent; and Lucy WEEDA, pianist for the junior department.

ELLSTON -- Born, Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil REYNOLDS, a son.

POE -- Born, January 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter CREGEEN, of Clearfield, a daughter, Edith Ann. Weight, nine
and one-half pounds.

Lowell IRVING went the first of the week to Illinois, where he has employment as salesman for the Harper Brush
Company of Fairfield.

REDDING -- At the annual meeting of the telephone company the following officers were re-elected: R. T. DENNEY,
president; C. E. NORRIS, vice-president; E. E. EDWARDS, treasurer; Ralph MAIN, secretary; and Chas. ADAIR, director for
a three-year term. Newly elected officers of the Helpers Union are Mrs. Geo. GRIFFITH, president; Mrs. A. C. MINKS,
vice-president; Mrs. Ellis LYNCH, secretary; Mrs. Maynard LaMOND, treasurer; and Mrs. Eli HIATT, pianist.

E. C. BUNTER and Marion SHELDON announce the opening of a Jack Sprat Store in connection with the Fruit and Vegetable
Market in the Barlow building. The new department will be in charge of Mr. SHELDON.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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