Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 10, 1959
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

The Ringgold county 4-H judging team placed second in the crops judging and identification contest held Friday
at the Iowa State Fair. The team was one of 36 which participated in the state contest. Members of the team
were Royce RINEHART, Joe DENHART and Jerry BARKER of Mount Ayr and Jack VICKER of Diagonal. Melvin GRAY of
Mount Ayr, high individual scorer in the state contest in 1956, coached the team for the first time.

James SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis SMITH, was selected by the Iowa Association Future Farmers as a representative
for the F.F.A. to make the ninth annual youth tour.

Anna Marie WILSON of Benton and a nephew, Larry BARKLAGE of Saint Charles, MO, were injured Sunday morning in a one-car
accident in Benton. The accident happened about 9:45 a.m. when Miss WILSON started her car. The accelerator stuck and
the car bolted across the road and over an embankment. The injured were brought to the Ringgold County Hospital where
Miss WILSON was treated for minor injuries and released on Monday. Larry, who suffered a minor skull fracture, remained
hospitalized. A brother of Larry, an occupant of the car, escaped injury.

Eighteen men interested in go-cart races met Friday night in Mount Ayr and effected the Mount Ayr Go-Cart Association.
Officers elected were Keith COLE, president; Bob FISHER, vice-president; and Perry WOOLLUMS, secretary-treasurer. Others
named to assist the officers in promoting the activities of the organization are Bob ROE, track manager; John
McFARLAND, alternate track manager; Gary SICKELS, Lloyd GLENDENNING and Wilber WAGENKNECHT, members of the board
of directors; and Max BOND, advertising manager.

Bob ALLEN, a member of the Ringgold county livestock judging team, won seventh place individual scoring honors in the state
contest held Saturday at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. A total of 100 teams or 400 boys were entered in state
competition. Other members of the local team, which ranked in 17th place, were Dale BICKEL, Gerald NOBLE and Jim SMITH.

Cindy BRIMMER, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry BRIMMER of Kellerton, twirled her way to fifth place
in the junior division of the state baton twirling contest, which took place Saturday on the plaza at the Iowa
State Fair. Cindy is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace TEALE and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. BRIMMER of Kellerton.

Shirley GOINS, Ringgold county style revue winner, was a blue ribbon and medal winner in the state contest
held last week during the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. Shirley, who competed among 33 contestants, was selected from
the blue ribbon winners to receive a special recognition medal. A member of the Jolly Jinglers 4-H Club, Shirley
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd GOINS of Diagonal. Her leader is Mrs. George VICKER of Diagonal. Sheryol SHIELDS,
runner-up in the county contest, received an award trip to the Iowa State Fair and viewed the finals of the state
contest. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth SHIELDS of Mount Ayr.

Royce DAVIS won the Mount Ayr city golf title in a tournament held August 30 by shooting a par 108 for 27 holes.
Second, third and fourth place winners were Dick YASHACK with 115, Joe McNEILL with 116 and Charles LAWHEAD
with 117.

September 02, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Max GLENDENNING, Redding
September 03, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kay LAMBERT, Grant City MO
September 05, a daughter to Mr. and Glen HUGHES, Denver MO
September 08, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Francis HACKER, Benton

OBITUARIES in September 10, 1959 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Jessie Edith BROOKS GEIGER Andrew Jackson JOHNSTON
Lena Dell MILLER STUDER Floyd Jefferson BUTLER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2012

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