Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 10, 1966
Jack R. Terry . . . . | Editor and Publisher |
Mrs. Franklin Spurrier . . . . | News Editor |
Subscription $4.00 year

Fire Department Called To Lynch Farm Saturday
Tires and the wiring were burned off a tractor and a mounted corn picker was damaged Saturday afternoon about 4
o'clock on the Bill LYNCH farm east of Redding. The fire started when Michael LYNCH was in the process of repairing
the corn picker with an electric welder. The farm equipment was moved away from a machine shed near by and Mount
Ayr firemen who responded to a call from the LYNCH farm kept the flames from spreading to the shed.

TRUE SERVICE begins when you call ends when your every request has been fulfilled.
PRUGH-DENFEE FUNERAL HOME Mount Ayr, Iowa Phone 464-3388 Grant City, MO.
Phone 564-3388

Veterans Day Program Planned
The traditional Veterans Day program for the Mount Ayr community will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at the monument on the
court house square. Joining forces for the day will be the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Mount
Ayr Community high school marching band. A short program will precede the program at 11 a.m. Legion and VFW squad
colorbearers and rifle squad members are asked to report to the Legion Hall at 10:45. Following is the program:
Musical selection, high school band directed by Merrill PERRY. Invocation, Dr. Charles LAWHEAD Introduction of
speaker. Address, Rev. Albert R. SNYDER, Mount Ayr Baptist Church. Closing Prayer. Rifle Salute, American Legion
and VFW Firing Squad. National Anthem.

Casting his ballot in Tuesday's general election was Elmer SCHLAPIA, 99, who voted in Liberty township.
Mr. SCHLAPIA, who recently observed his birthday anniversary, first voted in the presidential election of 1888 in Rice
township. He recalled that he voted for the Republican candidate, Benjamin Harrison, who defeated Grover Cleveland.

Shamrock Cafe Mount Ayr, Iowa Jay and Irene Snyder
November 13
Swiss Steak Fried Chicken Baked Loin and Dressing
Choice of Escalloped Corn
Creamed Peas
Apricot Delight Salad Homemade Bread Tea Coffee
Visit our
air-conditioned dining room. Enjoy good food while dining in comfort.

Raider Marching bank Won Honors At Maryville Constest Again Saturday
Chilly weather during the Northwest Missouri State College homecoming parade didn't hinder MACHS Raider
band members as they marched to the old favorite "South Rampart Street Parade." Their efforts were successful in capturing
the Iowa Class A trophy for the second year and the trophy for the best all-around band from Iowa. If the Raider band
wins this trophy next year, it will become a permanent possession of MACHS. The 87-member Raider marching band was
led to victory by Patti STULL, 1966-67 drum majorette. Kayla SMITH, also a senior, was responsible for the Charleston dance
routine performed by the majorettes and twirlers for the benefit of the large crowed which lined the parade route. A banner,
which proudly proclaimed that the Mount Ayr High School Raider marching band was coming, was carried by two eighth grade band
students, Nancy MORGAN and Lesa PERRY. The marching band season ends tomorrow (Friday) when the Raider band will
participate in the Veterans Day ceremonies on the square in Mount Ayr. The band will be directed by Patty STULL and
Merrill PERRY, band instructor. PERRY states that this is one of the best bands he has had in his six years at Mount
Ayr. He adds that the "winning attitude, which the students have developed, will hopefully be passed on from year to year.
For those who didn't get to hear "South Rampart Street Parade" the last few days, the Raider band will perform it on Jan. 31,
1967, as part of its concert program. Special effects will be employed which couldn't be used on the march.

Insure Today - Be Sure Tomorrow
Frank P. Clarke
Insurance Agency
Phone 464-3737 Mount Ayr, Iowa

Post Office Employees Injured in Jeep Upset
Raymond WALTER and Max McGEHEE, employees of the local post office, sustained minor injuries Wednesday of last week when a
jeep in which they were riding overturned a short distance north of Mount Ayr. Both were admitted to the Ringgold County
Hospital, where McGEHEE was treated for a head cut and released, and WALTER remained a patient until Monday for treatment
of cuts and bruises. The two men were en route to the city dump when the accident happened. A two-wheeled trailer, pulled by the
jeep, was loaded with plaster removed in the process of taking out a sky-light of the post office. The trailer whipped around and
caused the jeep to turn over on its side.

Feller Sez:
Psychologists say that no person should try to keep too much to himself. The internal revenue service is of the same opinion.
The only coin which goes as far today as it did 10 years ago is the one dropped in a grating.
"Feller Sez" by "Eke" Nelson

Sandy Stringham Injured In Fall From Bridge
E. (Sandy) STRINGHAM, who had been employed by a highway construction company during the summer months, suffered a broken back
Thursday morning in a fall from a bridge on Interstate 35 near Des Moines. He is a patient in the Iowa Methodist Hospital
in Des Moines, where he is reported to be in fair condition. Mr. STRINGHAM dodged a form being removed by a fellow
worker, lost his balance and fell 20 feet to the ground. His co-worker also fell, but escaped serious injury. Mr. STRINGHAM
was to have completed his work in two weeks, after which he planned to return to his home in Mount Ayr.

Rhoades Funeral Home 205 W. Monroe Mount Ayr, Iowa
Dorothy Rhoades, Owner Call 464-3412 Day or Night LBanks Wilson, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director

Mrs. Carter Honored By Hospital Employees
Mrs. Wayne CARTER, who resigned recently as staff nurse at the Ringgold County Hospital to accept comparable duties in the
Clearview Home in Mount Ayr, was honored by hospital employees at a turkey dinner served Wednesday evening of last week in the
Shamrock Cafe. In appreciation of her 15 years of faithful service to the hospital and its clientele, Mrs. CARTER was presented a gift.
The courtesy was shared by Socorro WAUGH, Roberta MORGAN, Frankie MEACHAM, Vergie THOMAS, Beulah MUCHINSON, Kay FARRIS, Margaret
Ruth EURITT, Darlene MORGAN, Joan HARVEY and Margaret FLETCHALL.

Dry Cleaning and Laundry SERVICE
We Are Ready for Your Winter Cleaning

Grand Valley School Names Cheerleaders
Photograph from 1966-67 "Tiger Rag" yearbook
During a recent high school assembly, the Student Council of the Grand Valley Community School District sponsored the election
of cheerleaders for the current school year. A short skit was presented by the council after which tryouts for the five
positions of cheerleaders were held.Votes were cast at the close of the assembly and those elected are Barbara HARRIS,
Sarah JOHNSON, Pat PERKINS, Janine Van LAAR and Merna PETERSON. The girls assumed their new roles during the Grand Valley-Diagonal
basketball games played Friday night in Kellerton.

My dental office in Mount Ayr will be closed from November 12 to 30, while I attend the National
Dental Association convention in Dallas, Texas
B. W. Knight, D.D.S.

Daughter of Local Couple Now Practice Teaching
The teacher education curriculum at Iowa State University, Ames, sends students into classrooms all over Iowa to gain
practical experience for their future careers. This fall quarter, 250 student teachers are in 54 Iowa communities as
a part of their teaching careers. Included in the number is Carol CHICKEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. CHICKEN, of
Mount Ayr, and a home economics education student, who is teaching at Ogden.

Professional Cards
ATTORNEY AT LAW | | Telephone 464-2770 |
| | Mount Ayr, Iowa |
FRANK F. WILSON | | Closed Wednesdays |
Office west side of Square | | Dr. B. W. KNIGHT |
Will practice in all courts | | Dentist |
| | Phone 464-2320 |
EMMET R. WARIN | | Mount Ayr, Iowa |
ATTORNEY AT LAW | | Closed Wednesdays |
| | |
Office in court house Mount Ayr, Iowa | | |

Richard Ira FERGUSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira FERGUSON, is quite busy since wrestling practice has started. This will make
Richard's third year of the sport and probably his third letter. Hi-Y is another school activity in which "Ferg" is
active since he is a four-year member. Born Nov. 11, 1948, Richard attended elementary school at Tingley and has
spent all four years of high school at Mount Ayr. He is taking Mechanical Drawing, English IV, Motor Mechanics,
Economics and American Government the last semester. Following graduation, Richard plans to attend the MDTA training
school in Des Moines. Give Richard a hunting license and a motorcycle, and he will be off as these are his two
principal interests. Food is a third; he will eat almost anything. His favorite song is "My Little Brown Eyes" and
his color is green. ~ ~ ~ ~One of MACHS' seniors who plans to work in Des Moines
this summer is Patricia Ann FENTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl FENTON. Coinciding with her business ambitions, Pat is
taking Shorthand II and Office Practice as well as American Government, English IV and Art. She is an active member
of the Future Business Leaders of America and membership in FHA during her four years of high school has also kept Pat
busy. During her spare hours, Pat enjoys dancing and drawing. Cherry pie, pink, and "Oh, yeah," and "Rainbow" are her
favorites in the food color, expression and song departments. Born Jan. 11, 1949, Patricia Ann has one brother and
three sisters. Before coming to Mount Ayr, Pat attended school at Ellston, Arispe, Tingley and Beaconsfield.
Pat hopes to attend AIB next fall. Good luck! ~ ~ ~ ~Marla Kay EURITT is very active in Tri-Hi-Y
and currently is president of the local chapter. She was recently elected secretary of the Western Iowa District YUMCA
and at Youth and Government she will be a candidate for lieutenant governor. A member of the National Honor Society,
marching and concert bands and flute quartet, Marla is an Ayrian editor; was recently a homecoming queen candidate
and served as freshman class president. Her favorites include T-bone steak, blue and the song "See You In September."
She lists athletics and swimming as her hobbies. Marla is taking Office Practice, Math IV, American Government
and College Preparatory English. Attending the Northwest Missouri State College and majoring in Elementary Education
are her plans for the future. Marla was born Nov. 30, 1948, to Postmaster and Mrs. Marion EURITT. Se has one sister,
Marie, a student at the Northwest Missouri State College in Maryville.
~ ~ ~ ~Discuss Plans For a Candy Vending Machine
If plans of the Student Council are okayed by the faculty, MACHS may have a candy vending machine placed in the main building
for the use of the students. This was the main topic discussed at the Nov. 2nd meeting of the Student Council.
A committee composed of Larry HUNTER, Duane DREDGE, Neil RINEHART and Patty TERWILLIGER was appointed by the
president, Jim PEDERSEN, to investigate the possibilities and to meet with the faculty.
~ ~ ~ ~Raiders Finish With 6-3 Record
The Mount Ayr Raiders dumped the Creston Panthers Friday night at Creston in their final game of the 1966 season, 40 to 13.
Mount Ayr finished with a reputable 6-3 record and the Panthers 1-8. The Raiders tallied three times in the final
period with Jim PEDERSEN scoring from the 1-yard line; Duane DREDGE, junior half-back, rambled 24 yards; and a pass from
Allyn MONAGHAN to Tim IRVING was good for 66 yards for the final touchdown. Paul LONG, who received a slight
concussion in the game, was admitted to Friday night to the Ringgold County Hospital, where he remained a patietn until
Tuesday. Eight Mount Ayr high school seniors completed
their high school football careers in the final game. They included Cullen GEIST, Steve FETTY, Bob McDANIEL, Ron
~ ~ ~ ~
4 Raiders Named All-Conference y Tall Corn LoopFour Mount Ayr Raiders were named to the 1966
all-conference grid team of the Tall Corn Conference recently released. In addition, four others received honorable
mention. Raiders named to the offensive squad were Cullen GEIST, center; Wayne DOLECHECK, tackle; and Pat CARR, end.
On the defensive team were Paul LONG, end; and DOLECHECK at tackle. Receiving honorable mention on offense were
Jim COULSON, Jim PEDERSEN and Terry McGAHUEY. Raiders cited for their defense were Duane DREDGE, Pat CARR and Jim COULSON.

C.C. Brimmers to Mark Anniversary Nov. 13
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. BRIMMER, of Kellerton, will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 13, with an open house.
Friends and relatives are invited to call in their home between the hours of 2 and 4:30 in thh afternoon. The BRIMMERS
request no gifts. ~ ~ ~ ~
Announce Betrothed
Kasters Plan Open House For 35th Anniversary
In observance of their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Perry KASTER will hold open house on Nov. 13, in their
home at 701 N. Fillmore in Mount Ayr. Friends and relatives are invited to call between the hours of two and four o'clock
in the afternoon. ~ ~ ~ ~
Announce Betrothed
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd SAVILLE, of Redding, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ellen Gail, to Craig ELLIOTT, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack ELLIOTT, of Benton. Miss SAVILLE is a student at the Clarinda Community College in Clarinda, and her fiancee'
attends Iowa State University in Ames.
~ ~ ~ ~
The Center Chapel Methodist Church in Wick was the setting Oct. 15 [?], for the wedding of Kay Frances WISSLER and Lyle Edward HARRIS.
The double-ring service was read at eight o'clock in the evening by the Rev. Glen LAMB, pastor of the First Methodist Church in
Indianola. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. WISSLER, of Wick, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert HARRIS, of
Kellerton. White gladioli, mums and blue carnations were arranged at the altar and candelabra, tied with white ribbon bows,
held tapers lighted by Dwayne PEPPMEIER, of Des Moines, and James JUNGMANN, of Booneville. Nuptial music was provided by
Mrs. George BURNS, organist, who also accompanied Carole SHODE, of Des Moines, as she sang "I Love You Truly" and "Wedding
Prayer." The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a white rose brocaded stain full-length gown fashioned
with an empire waistline and long tapered sleeves. The A-line train of the same material was secured at the shoulders and
her shoulder-length veil was attached to a rhinestone tiara. She carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and English ivy
with a removable corsage.
Barbara HARRIS, of Kellerton, sister of the bridegroom, attended the bride as maid of honor. Her gown of blue rose brocaded satin
was styled identically to that of the bride and she carried a cascade bouquet of blue-tipped carnations and ferns. Gerald
HOWES, of Des Moines, served as best man, and the Messrs. PEPPMEIER and JUNGMANN seated the guests.
After the ceremony, a reception was held in the church social rooms. The wedding cake, baked by Mrs. Dean ROGERS, was
cut and served by Mrs. Elmer JUNGMANN, of Booneville, and Mrs. Casey KAZEBEER, of Des Moines. Mrs. Dwayne PEPPMEIER and
Donna BALZER, of Council Bluffs, poured. After a two weeks' leave, Mr. HARRIS is stationed with the air force in Madrid,
Spain, where he will be joined by Mrs. HARRIS at a later date. The bride, a graduate of the Martensdale-St. Marys
Community High School, is employed by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. The bridegroom is a graduate of the Grand Valley Community High School.
~ ~ ~ ~
Landphair-Means Vows Repeated Here on Oct. 22
The Mount Ayr Methodist Church was the setting Oct. 22, for the wedding of Karen Lucille LANDPHAIR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur LANDPHAIR, of Mount Ayr, and Stanley Allen MEANS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark MEANS, of Villisca. The vows of the
triple-ring ceremony were read at 8 o'clock in the evening by the Rev. William MOREHOUSE, pastor of the church.
White and yellow chrysanthemums were used in the altar vases and twin floor baskets of white chrysanthemums and yellow
pompoms decorated the sanctuary. The candelabra, accented with green foliage and yellow bows, held white tapers lighted by Susan KING, of Florissant, Mo.,
and Ricky REEVES, of Corydon, cousins of the bridegroom and bride. The aisle pews were marked with yellow bows centered
with yellow roses. Preceding the ceremony, traditional nuptial music was played by Mrs. William HAROVER, who also
accompanied John HOFFMAN who sang "O Perfect Love"; "One Hand, One Heart," and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride, given in
marriage by her father, wore an Empress Josephine silhouette dress fashioned of angelskin peau de sole trimmed with
re-embroidered lace and pearls, a removable overskirt which formed a bouffant chapel train and sleeves that tapered to
bridal points over the wrists. Her fingertip veil was secured to a crown of sequins and pearls trimmed with crystal
droplets. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow and white roses accented with streamers of white satin tied with lovers
knots on her Rainbow Bible. Her only jewelry was a pearl necklace, a gift of the bridegroom, and she observed the tradition
of wearing "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny in her shoe." The penny was given to the
bride by her friends, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. MAIN, and David, of Sylmar, Calif., who were unable to attend the wedding.
Susan MITCHELL, of Charles City, friend of the bride, was the maid of honor, and Gail BOONE, of Sheldon, and Maurine
ROGERS, of Ames, friends of the bride, served as bridesmaids. They wore identically styled yellow sacrono cloth
street-length dresses with empire waists accented with lace, short white gloves and matching pillbox hats with scalloped
veils and carried cascade bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums centered with white pompoms. The flowergirl, Carla RING, of
Florissant, Mo., cousin of the bridegroom, scattered yellow rose petals from a white lace basket. Her dress and pillbox
hat were designed identically to those of the bride's attendants. David LANDPHAIR, of Humeston, cousin of the bride,
carried the rings on a white satin heart-shaped pillow. Dennis MEANS, of Villisca, attended his brother as best man and Ron
LANDPHAIR, brother of the bride, and Larry HEUER, of Red Oak, friend of the bridegroom, served as groomsmen. The guests
were seated by Larry CASEY, of Lenox, and Steve CASEY, of Kent, cousins of the bridegroom, and Don CORLL, of Norwalk,
cousin of the bride. Mrs. LANDPHAIR chose for her daughter's wedding a powder blue knit suit with black accessories and the
mother of the bridegroom wore a turquoise suit accessorized with black. Their costumes were complemented by
corsages of yellow sweetheart roses and white chrysanthemums. Following the wedding, 150 guests were invited to a
reception in Fellowship Hall, for which Mrs. Jack ELLIOTT, of Benton, and Mrs. Ainslee TRIGGS acted as
hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. King LANDPHAIR, of Pleasanton, grandparents of the bride, were also honored at the reception on the
occasion of their 52nd wedding anniversary. The reception table was laid with a white damask cloth and yellow net skirt
tied with matching ribbon and yellow roses. The center arrangement was a six-tiered square wedding cake, made and
decorated by Mrs. John STUCK, and graced with a miniature bride and bridegroom. The bride's chosen colors of yellow
and white were carried out in the decorations of the cake, which featured a narrow stairway with white railings and
white satin carpeting, and yellow roses arranged on each layer. Flanking the bottom of the stairway were candy tufted ring boxes,
which held matching silver wedding hands. On each side of the cake were yellow candles decorated with yellow net, yellow
roses and white bells. After the couple had cut and shared the first piece of cake, the remainder was cut by Mrs. Dan
KING, of Florissant, Mo., aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Russell DAVENPORT, of Huxley, cousin of the bride. Punch was
dipped by Joen [Joan?] GROSS and Marie ANGUS presided at the coffee service. Both are friends of the bride. The wedding party was
seated and served from the bride's table, which was decorated with the bridal bouquet and individual bell-shaped placecards
wand yellow nut cups topped with a yellow rose and silver wedding band. Lynda MAIN, friend of the bride, registered
the guests and the corsages were pinned by Mrs. Don PINE and Mary Ellen CORLL, of Des Moines, cousins of the bride.
In charge of opening and arranging the gifts were Connie and Kay SNYDER, of Corydon, Dinna CORLL, of Des Moines, and
Kathy and Peggy TERWILLIGER, cousins of the bride, and Linda HARTMAN, of Des Moines, friend of the bride. The couple left
on a honeymoon trip to New Orleans, La., and for traveling the bride wore a three-piece logan greenknit suit with brown
accessories and the yellow sweetheart roses from her bridal bouquet. The bride attended the State College of Iowa at
Cedar Falls and Mr. MEANS attended the Clarinda Community College in Clarinda, and Iowa State University, Ames.
The couple will be at home on a farm near Villisca. On Saturday, following the wedding rehearsal, 20 guests were entertained
at a luncheon at the Shamrock Cafe by the bridegroom's parents.
~ ~ ~ ~
Russell Hogues Surprised On Anniversary Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Russell HOGUE were pleasantly surprised Sunday on the occasion of their 45th Wedding anniversary when their
children and grandchildren joined them at church services and afterwards entertained them at a dinner served in Ruth's
Steak House. Those who shared the courtesy were Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCREARY, Mr. and Mrs. Gene LARSON, Tom and John,
Mr. and Mrs. Burl DICKERSON, Jim, Debra and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCREARY, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill BLUNCK, of
Benton. The family presented them with a corsage, boutonniere, anniversary cake and a money tree. They were also
the recipients of several other beautiful gifts. Members of the HOGUE family unable to attend were unable to attend
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert MAHRENHOLZ and Paula, of Des Moines, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles HOGUE and family, of Montour.
Relatives and friends who called in the afternoon in the HOGUE home were served cake, nuts, mints, punch and coffee
were Mr. and Mrs. Day THOMPSON, of Grand River; Mr. and Mrs. Carl HOGUE and Mrs. Leota HOGUE, of Kellerton; Mr. and
Mrs. Guy DUGAN, of Maloy; Mrs. Bud MONAGHAN, of New Orleans, La.; Mr. and Mrs. Guy TODD, Mr. and Mrs. Earl DUGAN, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy LARSON and Mrs. Bill MONAGHAN.
~ ~ ~ ~
In Memory of Mrs. Evelyn BUELLI wish to extend thanks to the Ringgold County Hospital staff
and especially to the doctors and nurses for the great care they gave her. A special thanks also to the casketbearers,
flowergirls, the Redding community for the food provided, the ladies of the United Presbyterian Church for the dinner
served and the Rev. and Mrs. Gordon STOKKE for the kindness they bestowed upon us. William BUELL and family.

Owen Leroy SCHLAPIA or Hazel Jane SCHLAPIA, Diagonal, Ford.
Opal Marie WEBB or Harold Richard WEBB, Mount Ayr, Oldsmobile.
Raymond or Mary Maxine STEVENSON, Diagonal, Chevrolet.
Glen or Marion E. SWANK, Mount Ayr, Chevrolet.
C.C. Or Maud NOVAK, Mount Ayr, Chevrolet.
Donna May SWARTWOOD, Diagonal, Chevrolet.

November 04, twin daughters, weight six pounds, eight and one-half ounces and five pounds and fifteen ounces, to
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. KOONTZ, Grant City MO
November 09, a son, weight nine pounds, fifteen and one-half ounces, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl HARDY, Grant City MO

OBITUARIES November 10, 1966 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Betha Beatrice CARNES DAY

Mount Ayr, Iowa | |
Auctioneer, Kellerton, Iowa |
| |
More farmers are catching up on their field work
and are in the market for cattle. | | FREE REGAL STAMPS With Every Fuel Oil Purchase |
For the top dollar for your cattle, sell at Mount Ayr
a top market since 1940. | |
SMITH OIL Co. Distributor of Texaco Products |
JOHN G. HENRY Owner and Manager | |
Mount Ayr, Iowa |
Cafe Service by Iola Rice Daily Fat hog Market - Phone 464-3400 | |
| | |
LONG-TERM FARM LOANS Up to 65% of value Carl G. Riggs Agency, Tingley | |
DENNIS E. OWENS AUCTIONEER Real Estate and Livestock Tingley, Iowa |
| | |
RADIO and TELEVISION Repair Service Service All Makers and Models
COLE'S FIRESTONE Mount Ayr, Iowa | |
TYPEWRITERS for sale or rent. NEW Smith-Corona typewriters Electric 110, Classic 12 and
| | |
AUCTIONEERS Jack and Raymond Hutchinson Mount Ayr, Iowa
Phone 464-3335, 464-3749 or 464-3704 | |
DANCE Every Saturday night
at the Maloy Hall |
ALL KINDS and MAKES of SMALL ENGINES REPAIRED Jamie F. MEADOWS Kellerton. Phone 783-2216

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Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2014

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