Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, April 10, 2003
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Astronaut Peggy WHITSON returned to share her experience in space with Ringgold county residents Friday and was met by
an enthusiastic reception for her presentations all day. By the time the day was over, WHITSON had made presentations on
her trip to space to some 1,800 area residents in four sessions at Mount Ayr Community high school.

Three people were named honorary chapter members when the
Mount Ayr Community FFA chapter held its 65th annual banquet Thursday. Named to the award were Eugene DILLENBURG,
Darrel BARTLING and Marilyn HAWKINS.
Five Mount Ayr Community FFA chapter members were presented the top awards when the chapter had its annual awards banquet
Thursday night. Winners included Lyndon HAWKINS, star chapter agribusiness; Adam TRIGGS, star chapter production ag; Oakel
PETTINGER, star chapter placement; Jacque BAKER, most valuable member, and Levi CAMERON, star chapter greenhand.

Education spending, environmental spending and tax reform were all topics at the final legislative coffee of the season
held Saturday in Mount Ayr with state senator Jeff ANGELO of Creston and state representative Cecil DOLECHECK of Mount Ayr
at Pheasant Run Steakhouse and Lounge. This was the final event at the restaurant on the square, which has closed.

Representative Cecil DOLECHECK of Mount Ayr has been nominated for the Iowa Farm Bureau distinguished service to
agriculture award by the Ringgold County Farm Bureau board of directors. DOLECHECK is presently serving his fourth
term as a representative for Iowa House District 96. In this position he serves as chairman of education appropriations
and is a member of the education, agriculture and transportation committees in the Iowa House.
 A Mount Ayr resident
representing the Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny campus was a place winner at the 57th annual Iowa Phi
Beta Lambda (PBL) state leadership conference recently held at Mount Saint Claire College in Clinton. Megan PETERSOHN
of Mount Ayr placed third in the accounting principles event.

A large crowd gathered for the 14th annual Pheasants Forever banquet and auction
held by the Ringgold Chapter of Pheasants Forever Saturday night at the American Legion building. There were 170 in
attendance with approximately $9,000 raised that will be used for programs such as food plots and winter cover for
pheasants and other species of wildlife in Ringgold county.
 Phil WHITE of Mesa, AZ and Billie SMITH of Mount Ayr
were inducted into the Iowa Girls Coaches Association basketball officials hall of fame in a ceremony in Cedar Rapids

March 25, a daughter to willi and Amy SCHAEFER HERR, Iphofen, German, formerly of Diagonal
April 04, a son To Annette and Jason SWANEY, Bedford

OBITUARIES in April 10, 2003 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Neva Luella WILSON COULSON Robert (Bob) HAMMOND Duane Melvin LAIRD
Cathy Lynn BURCHETT McCABE Eugene Charlie TAYLOR
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2013

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Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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