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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 9, 1986

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Mount Ayr Community high school has two exchange students from the Federal Republic of Germany living with Mount Ayr families this year. Folkard FRITZ is staying with the Revs. Phil KINTON while Johannes LAUERBACH is staying with the Bill HOHLFELD family for the school year.

Angie SMITH, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Steve SMITH of Mount Ayr, and Steve FELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. John FELL of Mount Ayr, were the Mount Ayr Community high school royalty for homecoming festivities here last weekend.

As of Tuesday, 291 persons hit the roads of Ringgold county to fight hunger here and around the world in the annual CROP Walk sponsored by the Ringgold County Ministerial Association. A total of 290 persons walked to Kokesh Park in Diagonal on Sunday, Oct. 5, the day of the event, and one person walked the next day. Milo ALLEN was the oldest walker to go eight miles; Esther BUTT was the oldest participant at 87 years old; four-year-old Kyleen STAMPS was the youngest person to walk all eight miles; Diane ELMER won the award for perseverance as the last person to come in; Nancy ELMER rode the eight miles in a stroller as the youngest participant, and Shane AUSTIN covered the eight miles in the shortest time -- one hour and three minutes.

The compensation board, chaired by Kenneth QUICK, has suggested that no raises be given to the county elected officials. This would mean pay for the auditor, treasurer, recorder and clerk of court would remain at $15,038 per year, sheriff pay would remain at $16,995, county attorney pay at $13,699 and board of supervisors pay at $11,124 for the coming fiscal year.

Two of the winning homecoming floats in the Mount Ayr Community homecoming parade Friday were the junior class float which urged the Raiders to 'Ride the Wave to Victory' and the Future Homemakers of America which won first place in the school organizations division. Winning the community division of the Mount Ayr Community high school homecoming parade was the entry by Big Bird Nursery School proclaiming "A New Generation.'

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McGEHEE dropped the mortgage for the First Christian Church building in the fire at a ceremony at the church Sunday where the church celebrated the completion of paying off its building. Special services were part of the day's celebration.

John NEWTON is the new art instructor for Mount Ayr Community school. He originally came from Iowa Falls but graduated from East Texas State University, where he was on the dean's list.


  • October 02, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Alan BENTLEY, Diagonal

    OBITUARIES in Thursday, October 9, 1986 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    no obituries

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2011

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