Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 09, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Jeani BASTOW and Larry HOFFMAN, 17-year-old juniors in the Mount Ayr Community and East Union (Afton) high schools, have
been adjudged winners in a written essay contest, sponsored by the Rideta Electric Co-operative,Inc., of this city. As
winners, each will receive an expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. in June. Parents of the "lucky two" are Mr. and Mrs.
Charles BASTOW of Mount Ayr and Mr. and Mrs. Dale HOFFMAN of Afton.

Double funeral services for Mr.and Mrs. Orr K. INGRAM,
formerly of Mount Ayr and Des Moines, who died Sunday and Monday, respectively, were held Tuesday afternoon in Fowler, CO,
in which city they had resided in a rest home since 1960. The INGRAMS, both of whom were 84 years of age at the time of their
deaths, were members of prominent Mount Ayr families. A son of Mr.and Mrs. A. O. INGRAM, he was born June 29, 1878, in
this city, and Alice Elvira INGRAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. SPENCE, was born June 17, 1878, in Mount Ayr.

juniors in the Mount Ayr Community high school have been chosen by Ringgold Post 172, American Legion, and the Mount Ayr
Businessmen's Club to attend Hawkeye Boys State, June 2-8, inclusive, at Camp Dodge, Des Moines. They are William Clark
CREVELING, son of the Marion CREVELINGS of Beaconsfield, and Cecil Leonard WAKELIN son of the Rev. and Mrs. Howard O.
WAKELIN of Mount Ayr.

James D. DENHART was one of 184 outstanding Iowa State University students honored Tuesday night
during the annual scholarship recognition dinner in Ames. DENHART, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle DENHART of Mount Ayr is
an animal science major ('66) at the university.

One person was killed and another injured in a head-on collision of
two cars Thursday afternoon about 3 p.m. on a county graveled road two miles west of Redding. Killed instantly in the
crash was Claude Stacy PARSON, 49 years of age and operator of a Skylark service station in Hatfield, MO. Injured was
Jillene Rene MORRIS, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Viles MORRIS of the Blockton vicinity, and a waitress in Joe GARRETT'S
Cafe, just south of the Iowa border.

Resignations from 12 teachers in the Mount Ayr Community school district have been
received and accepted by the board of education. Those who did not sign contracts were William PRITCHARD, Mrs. Kay
PRITCHARD, Mrs. Vivian JOHNSTON, Mrs. Mary Ellen KIMBLE, Mrs. Ilene WILSON, Karen FLOHRA, Mrs. Mary Ellen YOUNG, Mrs.
Gladys CARR, Jack WILKINSON, Mrs. Irolene ROBERTS and Mrs. Shirley LORIMOR.

Tom CLARKE, a fourth-year student in a
five-year course of architecture at Iowa State University in Ames, will leave June 4 by jet from Chicago, IL for
London, England. Tom, younger son of the Frank CLARKES of this city, is a 1959 graduate of the Mount Ayr Community high

Wayne L. JOHNSON of Kellerton has been selected to set up an organization of Ringgold county amateur radio
operators prepared to furnish organized emergency communications in time of disaster, it was announced today by
communications manager F. E. HANDY of the American Radio Relay League, national association of radio amateurs.

Raiders golf squad dropped a narrow 186-187 golf match to the Lamoni high school team Monday evening on the Mount Ayr
links. With 44s, Ken MARKLEY tied with Doug WHITE and Sam SMITH for medal honors. The four-man team is composed of Ken
MARKLEY, Collus LAWHEAD and Pat IRVING, freshmen, and Larry CRAWFORD, sophomore. Other participants were Jerry SOBOTKA,
senior, and Bruce HENDERSON and Johnny McFARLAND, freshmen.

May 01, a son to Mr. & Mrs. John Wilbur SAMS, Shannon City
May 05, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold MILLER, Carlisle
May 07, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry JONES, Clearfield

OBITUARIES in May 09, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
no obituaries in this issue
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2013

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