Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 09, 1940
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

The Women's Achievement Club has elected the following officers: Mrs. Lillie RUSK, president; Mrs. John SNEDEKER, vice-president; Mrs. Cecil BEAMER,
secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. C. M. CAMP, reporter. The program committee for the year is composed of Mrs. Everett EURITT, Mrs. Ames CROSS and Mrs. C. M.

The Mount Ayr High Schools grain judging team and the Corning livestock judging team won top honors in the district F.F.A. judging contests held Saturday
in Mount Ayr. The five Mount Ayr boys who judged and were the highest scoring individuals in the contest were Jim WATSON, Bob McCREARY, Lyle GOLDNER, Frank
WARRICK and Marion MILLSAP. Members of the local livestock judging team, which placed fifth, were Paul DAVIS, Don STULL, Bob JOHNSTON, Duane RICHEY and
Wallace SMITH. About 80 boys from the Coyrdon, Leon, Lamoni, Creston, Corning, Winerset, Osceola and Mount Ayr schools participate in the contest.

Members of the 1940 Senior class of the Mount Ayr High School are: Dorothy BIRD, Reed BLISS, George BURNSIDE, Elisabeth BUTLER, Madonna CAIN, Eleanor
CAMPBELL (valedictorian), Thelma CORTNER, Donald DALLEY, Margaret Jean DAUGHTON, Mildred DAY, Ruth DENNIS, Roberta FARIS, Louise FEREE, Dorothy FULLER
(salutatorian), Gerald GARDNER, Lyle GOLDNER, Mary HOGUE, Betty HOLLEN, LoRee HUBBARD, Nadine JACKSON, Edith JOHNSON, John LEWIS, Lorraine LILES, Myrtelle
LILES, Elanor LORIMOR, Arlene MAIN, Robert McCREARY, June McDOWELL, Richard McFARLAND, Marion MILLSAP, Thelma FERGUSON, Lyle NEWMAN, Richard NEWMAN,
Lyndon NICHOLS, Laures NOBLE, William REYNOLDS, Eleanor RICE, Marian RICHARDS, Rosetta RUSH, Virginia RUSSELL, Robert SALTZMAN, Doris SKINNER, Hugh SKINNER,
Ramona SMITH, Mary SPENCER, Betty Jo STAMPE, Dois STEWART, Nurl STULL, Donella TAYLOR, Helen THOMAS, Ione THOMPSON, Phyllis THOMPSON, Rex TODD, Frank
WARRICK, James WATSON, Levena WEDDLE, Elma WILLEY, Ellen WILSON, Robert WOOD and Dick ZINK.

MALOY - Commencement exercises will be held May 15, in the schoolhouse for the shcool's three graduates - Maxine McNUTT, Rosalie SHAY and Dennis SHAY.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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