Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 09, 1917
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

George P. B. Zehner, who for the past three years has been connected with A. W. Wheelock, of Des Moines, came to Mount Ayr last week and has taken over the management of the R. E. Fisher & company store. The change of management was necessiated by the serious and continued illness of Mr. Fisher.

Asa Huggins, who has been deliveryman for George E. Ogden for several months, left Monday for Akron, Ohio, where he has accepted a position with the Goodyear Rubber Company.

During the recent meeting of the school board, three new teachers were elected - Florence Tennant, seventh and eighth grades; Eleanor Welch, high school; and Iowa Reger, fourth grade.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gates came Monday from Leon and will make their home with their son, H. A. Gates, who was recently appointed local agent for the Adams Express Co.

BENTON - That this little town is "on the map" partriotically speaking was well as geographically, has been evidenced during the past week by the number of our boys who have volunteered for army service, and the two patriotic demonstrations given in their honor.

DIAGONAL - There are eight high school graduates this year - Irene Johnson, Alice Goodale, Grace Howe, Bertha Overholser, Lucille Liebig, Donald Stites, Joe Dickens and Lawrence Howe.

ELLSTON - A meeting of the Ellston Manufacturing company was held April 25 and John Clough was elected president upon the resignation of S. A. Fouser.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trisler are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby girl on April 24.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Morse are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl on April 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkham, of College Springs, are the parents of a little daughter, Mary Olive, born May 4. Mrs. Kirkham will be remembered as Mary Reger.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2017

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