Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 09, 1964
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

Fire of undetermined origin burned out the interior of the stockroom and meat department of the Hy-Vee Food Store
early Saturday morning and caused thousands of dollars in damage to food and meat supplies, stamp premiums and
store fixtures. The fire was discovered band an alarm turned in by Dale PRIEST about midnight whenhe saw flames
shooting from an exhaust fan in the north corner of the stock room. As the cleanup began in the store, Mr.
PRITCHARD and Hy-Vee officials started plans for the opening of a store in its former location on the north side
of the square, and utilizing the fixtures left in the building after being vacated by the Hudson Food Market eariler
this year. The entire store has been stocked with fresh supplies, which stared to arrive Monday evening, and
will be open for business tomorrow (Friday) at 8 a.m.

David L. BARNES, who assumed the duties of minister of the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr on July 1, will be duly
installed during a special ceremony planned for Sunday, July 12, at 7:30 p.m.

A large barn on the Lee BAKER farm, the former A. F. HOLLAND farm, just north of Beaconsfield, was destroyed by fire
early Sunday morning after it was struck by lightning about four o'clock. The barn was full of new baled hay. Also
included in the loss was a John Deere elevator. A nearby corncrib-granary was saved by firemen and volunteers. The
loss was partially covered by insurance.

Perfect weather prevailed for the parade, the opening event of the Fourth of July observance in Mount Ayr, in which
approxiamtely sixty-five boys and girls competed for cash prizes. Other entries in the parade,led by the school band,
under the direction of Jeani BASTOW, included the Mount Ayr Community High School Raiderettes, approximately twenty
members of the Ringgold County Saddle Club and Ringgold County Sheriff's Posse and 45 units.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2014

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