Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 9 and 12, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Notice of the dissolution of the corporation of Fisher, Hansell & Company is given. The business will hereafter be conducted under the
name of R.E. Fisher and Company, Mr. FISHER having entire charge of the business.

The board of supervisors has hired Alfred LEWIS to serve as steward of the county farm at a salary of $100 per month. Mr. LEWIS has served
as steward for a number of years and his work has been satisfactory.

KELLERTON - At the telephone meeting held Saturday, Rev. L. H. WOOD was hired for the central office for next year.
L. Z. WILLIAMS has traded his store to Sam C. KILLAM, of Mount Ayr, and they began invoicing the stock Monday.

REDDING - Beatrice CARSON, of Mount Ayr, has taken up the work in the intermediate room in place of Sylvia SPRINGSTEIN, who wasn't able to
teach on account of throat trouble.

ELLSTON - The state school inspector was here last week and the Ellston school was judged as being an accredited school. He stated that the
school was far above average for this size town.

Kelley Brothers purchased from Willey & Teale the first of the week their restaurant on Depot Street and it will be hereafter be known as
Kelley's Place. The new owners are the sons of Thomas W. KELLEY and that in itself is a good recommendation.

On February 3, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph CLOUGH in Ellston, occurred the marriage of Edna Mae MAXWELL to Charles M. MOON, son of
John S. MOON of Kellerton, with Rev. V. W. HENDERSON officiating. They were attended by Eva KNOX and Leonard HAGERMAN. They will be at home on
their farm, four miles north of Ellston after March 12.

Kellerton - Mr. and Mrs. Ed DAVIS are the proud parents of a little daughter, born to them February 1.
Oakland - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. DICKERSON, January 30, a son.
Ellston - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom WALLER, January 30, a son.
Diagonal - A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee LIGHTNER on February 5.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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