Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 08, 1987
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

An earthquake in California last Thursday sounded far away to Ringgold countians until reports started coming in from at
least three former area residents and two truckers from here who were in the quake area last Thursday, Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs.
Brady BEAMAN of Mount Ayr have heard of effects of the tremors on Aileene BEAMAN'S brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale DOWNIE of Whittier and Brady's brother, Mike BEAMAN of El Monte, CA; Rosemary SCHLAPIA of Mount Ayr talked with her
stepdaughter, Mrs. Bruce REZMER (Jean SCHLAPIA) of Whittier, formerly of Diagonal, who also experienced the tragedy first
hand. Steve MOON and Roger GROSE, who drive a truck for Hawkeye Refrigerated Services, were caught in Fullerton with a
half-unloaded semi carrying Proctor and Gamble products when the earthquake was felt. They returned to Mount Ayr Monday
night and had a story to tell.

Efforts which began almost three years ago brought fruit this week when the first residents moved into the Ringgold County
Group Home in Mount Ayr. An open house for the public is planned at the new facility in November once residents have a
little while to get acquainted with their new home. The eight residents and their house parents, Sharon and Duane GLICK
and Ray and Darlene TAYLOR, have been anticipating the move since early spring when bids were let for the construction of
the facility in west Mount Ayr, adjacent to Judge Lewis Park on the north.

Judging of the Ringgold county entry in the Iowa Community Betterment contest happened Monday when Clayton RINGGENBURG of
Iowa City and Wava RENFROW of Colfax visited Ringgold county to see the two projects entered first hand. A
series of presenters told the judges about involvement of people from all over the county in the development of the new
Ringgold County Group Home and the improvement project for the Mount Ayr municipal airport.

Sweet potatoes grew to extraordinary size in the garden of Efton HALL of Redding this year. Among the large potatoes dug
up recently were a five pounder and a seven pounder. The largest sweet potato was 11 inches long and 20 inches around.

Mount Ayr Community high school and junior high school bands picked up first places in marching band competition at the
Southwest Iowa Band Jamboree held in Clarinda Saturday.

Doug HICKMAN, 17, son of Dwight and Marcia HICKMAN of Mount Ayr, earned a trip to National 4-H Congress in Chicago, IL.
His trip was sponsored by Kent Feeds, Inc.

Rev. Sam FRY began his ministry as pastor of the Mount Ayr Larger Parish of the United Methodist Church this week. He and
his wife, Betty Anne, have moved into the parsonage in Mount Ayr.

OBITUARIES in October 08, 1987 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Sherman Rex SICKELS
Edward L. HILT
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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