Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 08, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Newly elected officers of the Legion and Auxiliary were installed Monday night of last week during the regular meeting of the
county organizations held in Ellston. Officers of the Auxiliary, as installed by Mrs. Dick BOLTON, are Mrs. Floyd COLLIER
of Ellston, president; Mrs. LaVerne KLEJCK of Diagonal, vice president; and Mrs. Wilma STEWART of Ellston, secretary-treasurer.
Legion officers installed by Lyle DULANY are Ed REYNOLDS, Ellston, commander; Francis WALTERS of Ellston, adjutant; and
Billy BRECKENRIDGE of Tingley, finance chairman.

To date several Ringgold county men have entered livestock in the open class of the Iowa State Fair to be held August 16-25.
In the swine division, Merritt TRIGGS & Sons will exhibit 15 Poland China boars, three of which will be in the market class;
Marvin TRIGGS will show 16 Spotted Poland China boars and two market barrows; and J. W. TRIGGS & Sons have entered 14 Spotted
Poland China boars in competition. Three Guernseys will be shown by Craig RIGGS of Tingley and Bob LYNCH of Maloy hwas
entered a carcass steer. Doyle WEEDA'S entries include 13 head of Hampshire sheep.

A quartet, composed of Majorie PAYTON, Cathy BURCHETT, Joy JACKSON and Jane SISSEL of Kellerton, will compete August 20
at 1:30 p.m. in the 1963 Iowa State Fair Talent championships.

Buss Carson, internationally known cowboy, will bring his Hollywood Golden Horse Stuntcapade to Mount Ayr this (Thursday)
evening as the opening entertainment attraction of the Ringgold County Fair.

David BARKER, winner of the Ringgold county soil conservation speech contest conducted May 10, in Mount Ayr, continued
his "winning ways" in the Region Nine contest Thursday in Clarinda. David was awarded a top prize of $25 by the Farmers
Mutual Reinsurance Company of Grinnell for his speech on the subject, "How Soil and Water Conservation Affects My Future."
A son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BARKER of Benton and a 1963 graduate of the Mount Ayr Community high school, David had
been enrolled in F.F.A. classes for the past four years, where he received his training in speech. He received his Iowa
Farmer Degree in April. He has enrolled at Iowa State University in Ames for the 1963-64 term.

Edwin POORE has joined the faculty of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, and on July 15, assumed his duties in
the research division of the agriculture economics department. Prior to going to Canada, Mr. POORE, a son of Mrs. C. E.
sALTZMAN of Tingley and the late Alvin POORE, attended the University in Saint Paul, from where he will receive a master's
degree in the near future. He was joined July 28 by Mrs. POORE, the former Mary Margaret HOOD of Mount Ayr, and their
daughter, Elizabeth.

Harold HUMBERT of the Delphos vicinity, suffered broken bones midway between the knee and ankle of his left leg Tuesday
morning about 8 a.m. when his saddle mare slipped and fell with him. Mr. HUMBERT, assisted by F. B. MALOY, Clyde MACKEY and
Gary SON, was rounding up cattle to be sold at the Mount Ayr Livestock Market when the accident happened.

August 02, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward CHITTY, Grant City MO
August 02, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. DRAKE, Mount Ayr
August 04, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. NEWMAN, Redding
August 04, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert George STAATS, Red Oka
August 06, a son to Mr. and Mrs. George A. BLACK, Lamoni
August 06, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James Dean LAWRENCE, Blockton

OBITUARIES in August 08, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Verbal Eugene MOREY
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2013

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