Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 07 & 10, 1915
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

George LAHI, who has made his home in Mount Ayr for some time, being employed as a section hand, in company with two other Bulgarians, who have been working
out of Delphos, left yesterday for Chicago, where they will join a company of their countrymen and go to their native land to engage in the European war.

J. Mel HICKERSON, who has been employed as a reporter for the Record-News during his junior and senior years in the Mount Ayr High School, resigned
the position Saturday evening and left early this morning for Iowa City, where he will become a student at the State University.

On account of the large attendence in the Mount Ayr High school, the board has employed an addition teacher, Alice CAMPBELL, of Farragut, who will teach
mathematics and English.

Sam C. KILLAM, who has been engaged in the furniture business in Mont Ayr for a little more than a year, sold his business to H. D. WRIGHT, possession having been
given yesterday. Mr. WRIGHT is presently the proprietor of the store.

SHANNON CITY - The school wagons have arrived and are ready for use.

BEACONSFIELD - School began Monday morning with Ebon McANINCH of Mount Ayr as principal, and Allie KOONTS, of here, primary teacher.

DELPHOS - School commenced Monday with O. C. VARNER as principal and Mrs. Frank VARNER as primary teacher.

KELLERTON - Parker POUSCH has bought a half interest in the WHEELER Barbershop. Frank TWAY has bought the KILLAM Store here and will put in a new
stock of goods. Clyde RUCKEL is employed as clerk in the post office, taking the place of Coy GAVELY, who resigned the position to attend school.

GRANT CENTER - THere were 1-6 [?] at Sunday school Sunday at Grant Center.

DIAGONAL - New officers of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church are Mrs. John JOHNSON, president; Mrs. L. F. TALLEY, vice-presient;
Mrs. J. W. OSTRANDER, secretary; and Mrs. W. B. WHITE. A deal was made this week whereby the blacksmith shop owned by Chas WROUGHTON was sold to
F. M. MORRILL, the former owner, who expects to take charge in a few days. The Women's Foreign Missionar and the Standard Bearers have elected the
following officers: President, Mrs. FALLS; first vice-president, Mrs. H. ELLIS; second vice-president, Mrs. William GOODALE; recording secretary,
Mrs. CHRITTENDEN; corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. F. TALLEY, and treasuere, Mrs. Grant STAHL.

DIAGONAL - Cards are out announcing the birth of a little daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ray CLOUGH, of Lenox.
DIAGONAL - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey LININGER are the proud parents of a baby, born September 3.
KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Jesse AKERS are the proud parents of a little son, born to them September 9.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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