Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 10, 1983
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Barbara POTTORFF, a senior at Mount Ayr Community high school in Mount Ayr, was crowned 1984 Ringgold County
Beef Queen at the Ringgold county Cattlemen's Association annual meeting at the American Legion in Mount Ayr Monday
night. POTTORFF is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim POTTORFF of rural Lamoni. Crowning her was 1983 Ringgold County
Beef Queen Terrinda KLOMMHAUS.
Named Cow Gal for 1983 at the Ringgold County Cattlemen's Association annual
meeting Monday night was Mrs. Jan JOHNSTON of Diagonal. She is the new CowBelle president for 1984.

For the city election in Mount Ayr, Albert DRAKE was re-elected mayor on a 111 to 30 margin over write-in candidate
Gerald YOUNG. The three candidates on the ballot for council each were elected. Raymond HENSLEY received 143 votes,
Jerry MARLER received 142 votes and Richard PRENTIS received 129 votes.

Blockton, a neighboring community on the Ringgold-Taylor county border, and Ringgold county's Diagonal, brought back
some top honors from the Iowa Community Betterment Recognition Day held November 5 in Ames. A first place in each of the
categories of "outstanding achievement," "youth involvement" and participation in the Iowa Arts Council department,
brought rewards of $500, $500 and $200 respectively to Blockton entries. Diagonal received honorable mention in Youth
Involvement ($50 award) and in Iowa Arts Council ($100) competition.
One of the projects that brought award to
the Blockton community was the mural painted on the wall of the Blockton Community Center. Virginia POWELL painted
a portrait of Bourke B. HICKENLOOPER, former U.S. Senator from Iowa, who was born in Blockton as part of the mural.

A girls cross country team from Belle Plaine, coached by Ron SNYDER, a former Ringgold county resident, won first place in
class 1A at the state meet held in Ames Oct. 30. The boys team, also coached by SNYDER, placed 10th. Ron is the son of
Mr. and MRs. Jay SNYDER of Diagonal and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Bill RUSK of Mount Ayr.

Max (Ike) McGEHEE of Mount Ayr was awarded a 25-year pin at the Mount Ayr Post Office this week. Presenting the pin to
McGEHEE was postmaster Jim EASON. McGEHEE has been a clerk and carrier during his years with the postal service.

National recognition will be given in two categories to members of the Mount Ayr Community chapter of the Future Farmers
of America at the group's 1983 national convention. Kevin TRIGGS of Mount Ayr is expected to be one of 21 young farmers
from the state to receive the American Farmer Degree at the convention. In addition, the Mount Ayr FFA chapter will be
recognized as one of the 13 chapters in the state for their Building Our American Communities projects this year.
They will receive a bronze medal on the national level for the program during the convention.

A process to vacate and sell the alley which adjoins the Polk Villa apartment complex in Mount Ayr was begun again at
the regular meeting of the Mount Ayr city council. The council has been dealing with the problem for over a year and
a hitch in the legal process in handling the vacation and sale earlier has caused the process to begin again.

November 07, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Dean PETTIT, Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in November 10, 1983 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Archie Leland SAVILLE
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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