Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 07, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

John ENGLAND has returned to his home in the Tingley vicinity from the Greater Community Hospital [Creston], where
he was treated for hand and arm injuries received Wednesday of last week while operating a tractor. Several years ago,
Mr. ENGLAND'S brother, Lloyd, of Tingley suffered the loss of his right hand in a corn picker accident.

Two break-ins in Ringgold county during the weekend are being investigated by Sheriff Elbert STRANGE. The Kellerton
Oil Company, owned and operated by Ora and Harry FUGATE, was entered either late Friday night or early Saturday
morning. On Sunday the Redding schoolhouse was entered by forcing open a door in the basement, but nothing was taken.
The break-in was reported by Lowell HOWIE, janitor of the Redding schoolhouse.

Mary Sue BASTOW was one of 120 sophomers in the College of Nursing at the State University of Iowa, who received caps
in a traditional candlelight ceremony held Sunday afternoon in the main lounge of the Iowa Memorial Union in Iowa
City. Miss BASTOW is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert BASTOW of Mount Ayr.

Members of the Kensington Club of Diagonal are planning a luncheon for November 15, in observance of the 50th
anniverary of the organization of the club.

Mayor J. L. SCHARDEIN and five councilmen were re-elected Tuesday at the biennial municipal election held in Mount
Ayr. Keen interest in the election was reflected by the fact that 715 voters cast ballots. Thirty-five persons cast
absent voter ballots.

As a good neighbor deed, 36 men and with two-row pickers, 22 tractors and wagons and three elevators went Wednesday
of last week to the Harold HUMBERT farm in Rice township and between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., picked
and cribbed 70 acres of corn for Mr. HUMBERT, who suffered a broken leg in August.

The Mount Ayr Mill & Feed Company
has been appointed a contract franchise Feedlot Equipment Dealer for Dodgen Industries, Inc., Humboldt. Mount Ayr
Mill & Feed will feature the complete line of Grain-P-Vators and Dodgen Roller Mill.

October 30, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. RICHARDSON, Lamoni
November 03, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. PINE, Diagonal
November 04, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Russell MORRIS, Lamoni
November 06, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence GRACE, Bedford

OBITUARIES in November 7, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Clyde William HORTON Edward Earl BENSON
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2013

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