Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 07, 1942
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Wm. S. Breckenridge has been appointed by the board of supervisors as a member of the Soldier's Relief Commission to fill the unexpired term of C.H. Treichler, who recently moved from Kellerton to California. Other members of the commission are S.W. Holland and Alfred Pacha.

Approximately 2,000 applications for sugar ration books were received the first three days of this week when the teachers at the Mount Ayr public schools registered residents of Mount Ayr under the nationwide rationing program.

Lee Wheeler has purchased a half interest in the iron, machinery and parts business operated by H.W. Terrell.

Naomi Johnston, of Ellston, who recently completed a course at the Iowa Beauty school, began work Friday as [an] operator in Hazel's Beauty Shop.

TINGLEY - Evelyn Baker, daughter of Lyman Baker, was married to Daryl Bradley, of Creston, on April 29, in Grant City, MO.

D.F. Uppinhouse, who has been band instructor and coach here for the past two years, has accepted a position as coach and history teacher in the Patton schools.

The Mount Ayr Future Farmers of America livestock juding team, composed of John R. Stephens, Richard Bonner, Delbert Jackson and Park Rinehart, alternate, placed first among 100 schools in livestock judging in the state vocational agriculture congress held in Ames last week.

Born, May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Loudon, of Washington township, a son. Weight, nine pounds.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2017
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