Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 07, 1940
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Thressa SCHAEFER, a waitress in Mount Ayr, won the "tyopograhical Error" contest sponsored by Horne's Rexall Store in connection with the celebration of the
37th birthday anniversary of Rexall Stores, and was awarded a 22-piece set of Mirro aluminum. Miss SCHAEFER found 77 of a possible 80 errors in the printed
circular announcing the birthday sale and completed the sentence "I prefer to trade at the Rexall Store because. . ." with "they sell quality merchandise
at the right prices and give you courteous treatment without extra cost."

The faculty nosed out the businessmen in a hard-fought cage of 31 to 27. The starting lineup for the businessmen, managed by Emmet R. WARIN, was
WHEELER, CROSS, Mike BEAMAN, DICKEY and DAVIS. These five were replaced by Brady BEAMAN, E. ROE, Cliff JOHNSON, R. JOHNSTON and DICKERSON. Mr. WARIN,
BROWN and STEPHENS substituted freely during the game. GRIMES, JOHNSTON, WELAND, HENDERSON and MEYERS composed the lineup for the faculty, with three
other members - BROWN, KNAPP and McFARFLAND - seeing action.

Mrs. Harold KEPLINGER has resigned as reporter for the Record-News, effective the first of March, when she and Mr. KEPLINGER moved to a farm
in Grant township. Mrs. KEPLINGER had been in the employ of the county paper since May, 1937.

LESANVILLE - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CULVER moved Friday to Waukee, where they have employment.

REDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Earl PROCTOR have moved to the phone office where they will be operators of the coming year. Mrs. Clara SHOWALTER is
running the switchboard now.

Opal JACKSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff JACKSON, of Middle Fork township, and Kenneth BARNETT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BARNETT, of Mount Ayr,
motored March 1, to Bronson, MO., and were united in marriage at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Noah MOSIER. The young couple will be at home on a
farm eight miles southwest of Mount Ayr.

Born, March 2, Mr. and Mrs. Charles SWANSON, of Ute, a son, Evan Howard. Weight, seven and one-half pounds.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015

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