Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 7, 2001
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

A Mount Ayr Community high school student will depart in July to live with a volunteer host family and attend
school in Germany for one year. Clara TERRELL of Maloy is a recipient of the prestigious Congress-Bundestag
Youth Exchange Program scholarship through Youth For Understanding (YFU) International exchange which pays for her
costs for the exchange year. TERRELL is the daughter of Brian TERRELL and Betsy KEENAN of Maloy.

Students at the South Central Alternative Learning Center have recently completed construction of a set of fitness
stations next to the existing walking trail in Judge LEWIS Park. The stations are designed to enhance and extend
the exercise benefits of using the trail.

Ryan FERGUSON, grandson of Iola PRITCHARD of Tingley and Edna RYAN of Mount Ayr, has been selected to the
National Academy of Arts, Sciences and Engineering (NAASE) at the University of Iowa.
FERGUSON will be spending his senior year of high school as a freshman at the university. His college credit
will apply toward high school graduation requirements which will allow him to graduate with his high school
class in May 2002. Ryan is the son of Gary and Connie FERGUSON of Baxter.

Two baton twirlers presented a program at Mount Ayr Community elementary school last Thursday. National Junior
Miss Majorette of America Ashley PEDERSEN of Maryville, MO and Miss Iowa Theresa UCHYTILL performed some
twirling routines in front of a full gym. PEDERSEN, a junior at Maryville high school, carries several
titles including 2000 Junior Miss Majorette of America, 2000 Grand National Twirling Champion and World
Junior Duet Champion (with partner Hope CARRELL). PEDERSEN is the granddaughter of Richard and Carole DAVISON
of Maloy.

Changes in assignments for ministers at the Mount Ayr United Methodist Parish were announced this week. Rev. Susan
A. THOMAS of Merrill has been appointed to the Mount Ayr Larger Parish, which includes Mount Ayr, Redding and
Middle Fork, effective July 1. Michael DRUHL has been pastor of the Mount Ayr Larger Parish since 1994.
His new assignment will be to the United Methodist Church in Belmond. Paddy DRUHL has been pastor of the
Lamoni United Methodist Church in Lamoni since 1994. She has been appointed to serve the United Methodist
churches in Klemme and Goodell.

OBITUARIES in Thursday, June 7, 2001 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Curtis Dale BAGLEY
Melissa Kaye CLYMER
Reverend Frank
Birdette MUELLER, Sr.
Thomas Michael SEIFFERT
Lyle Raymond TODD
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2011

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