Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 07, 1917
by Chanse Hall, Mount Ayr Record-News

Maurice Tennant, who joined the Missouri National Guard at the call of President Wilson for soliders to enlist in the fight with Mexico, has recently been exempted from duty and has accepted a position as head
shipping clerk for the Nyal Drug company with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo.

F. M. Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Fuller, of this city, who is stationed with the Iowa State Militia at Brownsville, TX, has been advanced to the rank of sergeant. The promotion was due to the fact that he had the hightest rank in a recent test.

A high school declamatory contest will be held in the Benton schoolhouse on February 10. Those who will appear in the contest are Geiger Long, Lewis Rychnovsky, Earl Michael, Gladys Keith, Beatrice Landes, Lottie Ouderkirk, Esther Wallace, Ruth Beal, Zetha German, Rose Groves and Merle Nickles.

Iowa Reger went Tuesday via Benton to Des Moines where she has a position as a teacher.

Porter Havely went Monday to Decatur, where he is employed in Tom Miller's implement store.

DIAGONAL - Ralph Palmer, cashier of the Diagonal State bank, has resigned his position to accept a position as cashier of the Merchants National bank at Greene.

KELLERTON - Mr. and Mrs. Orr Allen are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl, born February 2.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2017

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