Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 07, 1939
Kasey Dredge, Mount Ayr Record-News

At the opening sale held Tuesday at the Mount Ayr Livestock Market, under the management of Floyd S. MILLER, Glen
DIXON and F.B. MALOY, more than 700 head of livestock were sold, the gross receipts amounting to $15,000, according
to the records of Carson WILLIAMS, who served as clerk. More than 500 cars and trucks were parked on or near the
sale barn grounds by mid-afternoon when the sale was in progress.

A deal was completed the first of the week whereby the GUNTER Brothers, Harry and Phil, purchased from G.E. MANNERS
his watch repair business.

Officers and directors of the Ringgold County Fair Association recently elected are: John IRVING, president; Herbert
BASTOW, vice-president; Milton HENDERSON, secretary; Carson WILLIAMS, treasurer; and John TRIGGS, John BLAUER,
John IRVING, Ray DUFFIELD, Alex G. MOFFATT, Clyde LESAN, A.F. HOLLAND, John THOMAS and Frank L. McCREARY, directors.

CALEDONIA -- There was an unusual incident at the Sunday morning service when five sisters, their hair silvering
with the frost of many winters, marched in and sat together. Herman INGRAM
received first prize for bringing the most people to the service, and R.E. MAY and Everett STUCK tied for second.

George BURNSIDE is moving his tire repair shop from the E.M. ROSENBAUM building on the west side of the square,
recently purchased by Dr. E.C. SHEUMAKER, to SACKETT'S D-X service station on Depot Street, which he has leased.

Dorothy FULLER was chosen by the Iowa Tuberculosis Association to present her essay, "Work in the State and Nation
Against Tuberculosis," over WHO [radio] on December 16. From one hundred and seven schools throughout the state, nine
were selected to broadcast over WHO, Miss FULLER being included among the nine.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2015

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