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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 07, 2003

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

A newly water tank like that used for steam engines when they plied the tracks through Mount Ayr years ago is a new feature of the Restored Depot park in Mount Ayr. Bob SICKELS headed up an effort to add another authentic aspect to the park area.

The newly remodeled offices for Ringgold County Extension were shown during an open house, which also celebrated the 100th birthday of 4-H in Mount Ayr Thursday. Tours of the building, remodeled through the efforts of the construction Technology classes at Mount Ayr Community high school and other helpers, were given and refreshments served.

A Mount Ayr man was killed in a tractor accident on a farm field on his parents' farm northwest of Mount Ayr Thursday evening. Curtis Dean EASON, 45, was operating a Farmall tractor pushing on a tree which had been damaged by a windstorm.

When the Iowa State Fair opens today (Thursday) in Des Moines, Ringgold county will again be represented in many ways. Along the way, many 4-H and FFA members will participate, there will be people active in open exhibit competitions and county residents will take part in many other ways as well.

Ringgold county fair queen Danielle NEWTON took part in the state fair parade Wednesday night and will be a participent in the state fair queen contest.

This year the county will also send along the county Cowgirl Queen Lacey MEESTER and the Cowgirl Junior Queen Kelsey MEESTER for state competition.

Matthew WEEDA, 17, of Mount Ayr, who was riding with the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa when it came through Mount Ayr, stopped at Joe ROUTH"S yard on Shellway Drive to visit with his great-grandfather, Floy DRAKE, 94, who was with the Clearview Home residents watching when the RAGBRAI riders came to town.

Results from the 2003 Summer Iowa Games, held July 18-20 and July 25-27 in Ames, now are available. Chris KINNEY of Redding competed in the Archery-3D category and placed third. Sharon KINNEY, also of Redding, competed in the Archery-3D cub division for ages nine through 12 and placed third.

OBITUARIES in August 07, 2003 Mount Ayr Record-News:

Curtis Dean EASON   Cleo Paul HACKER
Lyle SHARP   Lawrence Linton SWANK

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2013


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