Des Moines Daily Leader Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa Sunday Morning, October 6, 1901, Page 3
Time for Filing Nomination Papers With The Secretary of State Expired at Midnight
The Republicans Have No Delinquients.

At midnight Saturday night, the time for the filing of nomination papers of candidates for state, legislative and
judicial offices expired. The office of the secretary of state was kept open until 12 o'clock by Deputy Secretary
HITES to enable belated papers to be duly entered for a place on the ticket. Repubican county conventions were held
yesterday in Tama and Johnson counties and the papers from both were brought in by special messengers. These were the
last republican papers to be filed. Several democratic and prohibition papers were filed in the course of the evening.
There are five state tickets duly on file: the republican, democratic, prohibition, populist and the socialist. Last
year seven different parties had to be accorded a place on the ballot. . . . The following are the state tickets:
REPUBLICAN: Governor - A. B. CUMMINS, Des Moines. Lieutenant governor - John HERRIOTT, Stuart. Judge
of supreme court - S. M. WEAVER, Iowa Falls. Railroad commissioner - Ed. C. BROWN, Sheldon. Superintendent of public instruction - R. C. BARRETT, Osage.
Governor - T. J. PHILLIPS, Ottumwa. Lieutenant governor - G. E. FERGUSON, Logan. Judge of supreme court - John
SHORTLEY, Perry. Railroad commissioner - A. C. BRICE, Bedford. Superintendent public instruction - W. P. JOHNSON,
Carroll. PROHIBITION: Governor - A. U. COATES, Perry. Lieutenant governor - A. B. WRAY, Afton.
Superintendent of public instruction - Ella MOFFATT, Marshalltown.
Judge supreme court - J. A. HARVEY, Perry. Railroad commissioner - Wesley SUDDOTH, Des Moines.
POPULIST: Governor - L. H. WELIER, Nashua. Lieutenant governor - Dr. Perry ENGLE, Newton.
Superintendent of public instruction - Ira C. HARLAN, Holly Springs.
Judge supreme court - J. R. McDONALD, Des Moines. Railroad commissioner - Luke McDOWELL, Kirkman.
SOCIALIST: Governor - James BAXTER, Hiteman. Lieutenant governor - W. A. JACOBS, Davenport.
Superintendent of public instruction - E. E. STEVENS, Burlington.
Judge supreme court - H. C. MIDDLEBROOK, Rock Rapids. [Among] Hold over Senators: Decatur-Ringgold-Union [Counties] -
George S. ALLEN (sic, should be ALYN), Mount Ayr. The following are the representative nominees:
Ringgold - M. Z. BAILEY of Clearfield, republican; A. C. MERRITT of Kellerton, democratic.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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