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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, September 5, 1985

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

"Scotland in the Ayr" is the theme for the three-day celebration for Ayr Days which includes activities with a Scottish theme, a visit by Ronald McDonald for the kids, a county bicycle tour and a concert-dance on the square by a top showband, Britt Small and Festival,among its new activities.

John OVERHOLTZER of Tingley was one of two top performers at the Diagonal Labor Day Running Race. He won the two-mile run in the good time of 11 minutes, 10.4 seconds to win the race by 75 yards.

Sue RICHARDS, formerly of Kellerton, has accepted a position in the business office of Ruan Transportation in Des Moines.

Barbara KIBURZ of Tingley received sweepstakes honors in the lard baking division at the Iowa State Fair. She exhibited the most blue ribbons in that category to qualify for the award. She received a purple sweepstakes ribbon and $15 from the Porkettes.

Joy McFARLAND of Ellston received sweepstakes homor in the cakes division. She had five blue ribbon cakes to capture the sweepstakes. She receved the purple sweepstakes ribbon and a four-book set of Encyclopedia Brittanica Cookbooks.

Mount Ayr Community high school scholars receiving academic letters for maintaining an A-minus or above grade point average for the two previous semesters are Roger HINTZ, Shelly TAYLOR, Joni YEAROUS, Gary BAKER, Roby SHAY, Doug SAVILLE, Angie SMITH, Marcia STAMPER, Becky MYERS, Emily McALEXANDER, and Leslie BARKER.


  • August 28, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James HARDING, Grant City MO

    OBITUARIES in September 5, 1985 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    Ethel Marie NORRIS DeHART   Electa Leona DILLENBURG JONES

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2010

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
    Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.


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