Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 05, 1963
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Susan HENERSON of Mount Ayr and David LYNCH of Maloy were elected county 4-H presidents during the second annual
Ringgold County 4-H Conference held Friday night in Mount Ayr. Miss HENDERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milt
HENDERSON, is a seven-year member of the Mount Ayr Merrymakers, and David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob LYNCH, has been
a member of the Maloy Shamrocks for a comparable number of years. Both are 17 years of age. Others elected to
office were Jan YASHACK, Washington Workers, and David UMBRAGER, Junior Atoms, vice presidents; Camille LAWHEAD,
Mount Ayr Merrymakers, and David STILL, Caledonia Future Farmers, secretary-treasurers; and Nancy WEEDA, Tingley
Topperetts, and Adany ABARR, Redding Rockets, historians

Ralph BRAMMER, of Redding and Mrs. Russell SHIELDS of Tingley, who were chosen as honorary members of the
county 4-H organizations, were initiated at the annual conference by the Clover Belles and Junior Farmers Clubs.

For the second time in a period of four and one-half months, several business houses in Kellerton have been the
targest of robberies. A break-in at the Kellerton Oil Compnay, operated by Harry and Ora FUGATE, was discovered
at 7:30 a.m. Monday by Ora FUGATE and reported to Sheriff Elbert STRANGE. The Kellerton Hardware, operated by
Chet MUNYON and Charlie REED, was entered through a rear door, which had been forced open. At Drake's Grocery,
owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Loren DRAKE, the safe was also peeled and currency approximating $90 was taken.

Robert BECK of Riley township and James MOON of Monroe township will be unopposed as candidates for members of
the Ringgold County Board of Education. Both men, to be elected to six-year terms, will be unopposed as candidates
to succeed themselves at the regular school election to be held September 9.

Possibly the only person from Ringgold county to take part in the civil rights march Wednesday last week in
Washington, D.C. was Mrs. Joe WISEMAN, who left August 24, for that city.

Mrs. Ronald TULL, 7127 Jayhawk St., Annandale, VA, recently received a promotion to a higher Civil Service grade
at the U.S. Army Mobility Command's Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, Fort Belvior, VA. Mr. TULL is
a son of the Alvin TULLS of Tingley.

August 29, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry KEMERY, Blockton

OBITUARIES in September 05, 1963 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2013

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