Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 05, 1957
by Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Three directors of Rideta Electric Cooperative were re-elected by substantial margins at an annual meeting of the cooperative held yesterday at the fairgrounds
in Mount Ayr. Re-elected were C. C. BRIMMER of Kellerton, District No. 1; Dennis BRADLEY of Afton, District No. 3; and L. W. MICKELSON of Lamoni, District No. 4.
Other candidates were Harold F. CLOUGH of Kellerton, George WEIS of Shannon City and Nelson BOWEN of Lamoni.

Marilyn Ann MICKEY of Kent was named "Miss Rideta Electric of 1957" at the beauty contest held yesterday afternoon in Mount Ayr as a highlight of the
annual meeting of members of Rideta Electric Cooperative. Miss MICKEY, a student at the State University of Iowa, was chosen from a group of five lovely
young ladies, whose parents are members of Rideta. Miss MICKEY is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn MICKEY, who reside on a farm near Kent.

A contract was awarded Monday to Jones & Meadows of Kellerton for grading and incidental work on three road projects with a total distance of 5,659 miles
in Ringgold county. Jones & Meadows' bid of $19,252.68 was the lowest of five bidders. The next lowest bid, $19,722.95, was submitted by the Ruse Company.

Roger STANLEY of Beaconsfield ranked eighth high individual in the state 4-H livestock judging contest Friday at the Iowa State Fair. A total of 360
boys participated, which included 90 teams from as many counties. Other boys participating on the Ringgold team included Charles LONG Of Shannon City,
Jon O'NEAL of Tingley and Gary WION of Beaconsfield. The team placed 35th in the contest and was coached by Verdon PAYNE, county extension director.

Roy COOPER and Ted DUFFIELD have been appointed to an advisory committee of the board of directors of the Grundy-Shelby Experimental Farm at Beaconsfield.
The appointments were made by the Agricultural Extension Council and the Soil District Commissioners effective September 1. Similar appointments were made
by Decatur, Clarke, Union and Taylor counties.

Royce DAVIS won the Mount Ayr city golf championship when he shot a 111 for 27 holes of medal play in the tournament held Sunday. DAVIS was only three
strokes over par for the 27 holes. Fifty golfers participated. Rus DAVENPORT was the runner-up with a total of 113.

Barbara STEPHENS and Kay WATSON of Diagonal rated blue on their demonstration, "Slick Tricks with a Master Mix," at the Iowa State Fair last Wednesday.
Competing with 100 other Iowa teams, the girls won one of the few blue ribbons given in the nutrition project.

Births Reported at Ringgold County Hospital this week:
A son, Michael Dean, born August 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry COOK, Grant City MO
A son, Rodney Eugene, born August 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles ZOLLMAN, Grant City MO.
A daughter, Nancy, born Sept. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle MILLER, Hatfield MO.

Obituaries in this issue:
Herbert Clinton SMITH
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015

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