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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 05, 1998

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

"Cookin' Up A Scary Halloween" was the theme for the first prize winning float in the Tingley Halloween Fun Night parade in Tingley Saturday. Taking part were Deb FIDERLEIN, Sandy PIERSCHBACHER, Jessica PIERSCHBACHER, Weston PIERSCHBACHER, Dawn SMITH, D. J. SMITH and Blaine SMITH.

Planting a soybean plot was a unique way to raise money to finish off paying for debirillators for the First Responders across Ringgold county. The Ringgold County Emergency Medical Service Association purchased six defibrillators in February 1997 for the early response teams in Diagonal, Tingley, Ellston, Kellerton, Redding/Maloy, and one for one of the ambulances. The group raised money with fund-raisers, grants, donations and a loan from Ringgold county Hospital. The loan was paid off with a 49.2-acre bean plot. Because of many donations, there were no expenses for the soybeans, which were sold when they were harvested.

A Mount Ayr resident won first place in the state nail art competition at the 64th annual convention of National Cosmetology Association of Iowa held in Des Moines recently. McGRATH is shown with her model. Amber OLIVER of Lenox, after receiving the away, Cathy WARD of Mount Ayr also won third place in the state competition in the esthetics makeup and skin care.

Mount Ayr Community fourth graders will b trucker buddies to Mrs. Betty LONG, a grandmother and resident of Tingley, who drives a truck for Mike Brooks, Inc., an over-the road trucking compnay located in Knoxville. LONG, who is known as "Grandma" on the citizens band radio, brought Teddy Brooks, a four-foot-tall teddy bear, to visit the students in the fourth grade class.

Halloween decorations at the home of Aarong WILKEY family in Tingley included a three-story-high spider web in the WILKEY front yard, along with a spider to match. The web took the family a number of hours to weave.

Three Mount Ayr Community high school students were selected to play in the junior high Southwest Iowa Honor Bands. Named to play in the eighth grad band were Daniel STULL, tuba, and Clara TERRELL, oboe. Named to play in the seventh grade band was Rachel SOBOTKA, clarinet.

OBITUARIES in November 05, 1998 Mount Ayr Record-News:

Melvis Clare EIGHMY   Bill Delbert HALL

Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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