Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 5, 2001
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

On Friday at 3:30 p.m. Ringgold county dispatchers received word that the concession stand located at the west ball field
diamond was on fire. The fire is suspected to have started in the boys restroom and burned a hole in the wall between
the restroom and the concession area. The fire also traveled up into the rafters of the open area where the picnic
tables sit. The state fire marshal's office was contacted to investigate the incident.

Ringgold county will be served by a new U.S. Representative after the state legislature approved new congressional
districts at a recent session. Leonard BOSWELL, who has served three terms in the current fifth district which includes
Ringgold county, plans to move and seek a fourth term in congress from Iowa's new third district, which serves
central Iowa. BOSWELL'S Decaturcounty home is included in the new fifth district, which includes 32 counties in
western Iowa reaching from the Minnesota border south to the Missouri border. Ringgold county is included in the new
fifth district.

Jay-Lynn-O Tours participants were picked up from the airport after a ?ight on a plane by Harley Davison motorcycles to
be taken into Des Moines. The two methods were some of the 12 ways that golf tour participants traveled between golf
courses on this year's golf adventure. Funds raised from the trip went to Camp Courageous.

A local artist, Rebecca ABARR of Redding, was featured in the Amana Arts Guild Center's 2001 exhibition, "A
Celebration of American Basketry."

Larry FOLTZ dressed the part of a hobo complete with a knapsackover this shoulder and an old bucket for donations as he
greeted approximately 150 people at the Mount Ayr Preservation's annual hobo supper Friday, June 15 at the Mount Ayr
Depot museum.

Ringgold county is in the beginning stages of implementing a new enhanced 911 system. Part of this process will be to
assign new addresses to all rural residents of Ringgold county.

Perry WOOLLUMS of Kellerton was presented a service certificate by the United States Postal Service Friday, his last
day as a rural mail carrier. WOOLLUMS began as a substitute in the Kellerton Post Office and then transferred to
Mount Ayr in December 1985 as a regular rural carrier. He retired June 29 after 22 years of service.

OBITUARIES in July 5, 2001 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Charles Blaine ADAMS, Sr. Priscilla E. NORRIS KENNEDY Dennis Jack KING
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2011

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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