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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 05, 1984

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

The three-year terms of seven school board members from Mount Ayr, Grand Valley, Diagonal and Clearfield will expire this year. In Mount Ayr, the terms of Mari McGEHEE and Gary PETERSOHN are out. From Grand Valley school board, Glenn PAYTON'S term will expire. Jim GOINS and Eldon STARMER of Diagonal have terms ending this year. Jim NELSON and Kathy BUTLER'S board positions will be open in Clearfield.

Ronald MAHERS, 21, of Murray, staged his third breakout in two months and second in two weeks from the Ringgold County Jail early last Friday morning, June 29. This time MAHERS cut through the bars of his cell window with a hacksaw blade that was smuggled in by one of his friends. He then walked along the ledge of the fourth floor of the courthouse to the fire escape and made it to the ground. Authorities don't know who got the blade to MAHERS.

Ringgold county authorities received word Monday evening that Ronald MATHERS had again been recaptured -- this time in Colorado. When arrested, MAHERS was driving the Soil Conservation Service truck reported missing fromthe SCS office in Mount Ayr Monday morning.

Mount Ayr elementary school librarian Joan JACKSON and high school librarian Linda WILEY have been working this summer to put all the books and check-out materials from the library onto a computer system. The Library Circulation System provides a bar code label for each book. A wand hooked to the computer will then allow the students to check out books by sweeping the wand over the bar code, a student or teacher number code and a code for check in or check out.

Computer assisted learning is helping with the English language development of Bob and Jack WILT, native Koreans, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bob WILT of Redding, who started coming to school here last year. Mrs. Alice MILLER, working under the Iowa Greenthumb program, is working with the boys during summer school in learning to use the computer to drill in pronunciation and understanding of words, as well as in spelling. They boys, who are at grade level in math, are also being rewarded with some math programs to work with on the computer. The Greenthumb program, under which Mrs. MILLER is hired, helps find part-time work for retired people in their area of expertise.

One of the persons honored at the Governor's Volunteer Recognition Ceremony held in May was Mildred JOHNSTON, Ellston, representing the Tingley Kitchen Band. The ceremony was held at the Urbandale Performing Arts Center to honor persons and groups from across the state chosen for their outstanding volunteer activities.


  • June 26, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick HAWKINS, Mount Ayr
  • June 26, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Kirk GREENMAN, Mount Ayr

    OBITUARIES in July 05, 1984 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    Kenneth Edwin FITZGERALD   L. Maxine THOMPSON

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2012

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
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