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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 05, 1956

Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

For the second consecutive year, Leo HACKER has earned the distinction of having the top county Farm Bureau insurance agency in the state of Iowa. His record was established on a volume basis of insurance transactions. As a reward for his outstanding record, HACKER will enjoy a week's all-expense [paid] fshing trip near Kenora, Canada, the week of July 15.

Thelma CARYL, county recorder, tendered her resignation Monday to the board of supervisors, effective the first of August. After it was accepted, Miss CARYL left immediately for Pacific Grove, CA where she will be employed. Miss CARYL was an unsuccessful candidate for renomination to the office on the Republican ballot at the recent primary election.

Mrs. Iona DAVENPORT, deputy in the office, was immediately appointed recorder, effective August 1, to fill out the unexpired term.

John Rees WILLIAMS, 22 years of age, of Llanelly, South Wales, will be a guest for one week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. GRAY and Melvin of Poe township.

The Rev. M. J. NASH, who has been returned to the Kellerton and Beaconsfield Methodist Church pastorates for a second year, and his family will be honored at a program to be held Sunday evening, July 8, in the church at Beaconsfield.


  • June 29, a son, Timothy James, to Mr. and Mrs. James FEEBACK, Ellston
  • July 01, a son, Steven Rex, to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle HAGEMAN, Diagonal
  • July 01, a daughter, Sandra Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack TERRY, Lamoni
  • July 03, a daughter, Sherry Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald GREEN, Athelstan

    OBITUARIES in September July 05, 1956 Mount Ayr Record-News:

    Elizabeth MORRIS KENDALL

    Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

    To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
    Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.


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